
Advanced Data Analysis of a Retail Store using Apache Spark (PySpark)

In this notebook we will go through Spark SQL as well as Spark DF API based transformations and actions ranging from simple to quite complex. I use this as a reference in my day to day job. These tables come from the Cloudera Installation. A fictitious retail house with the following tables: customers, departments, categories, products, orders and order_items.

@author: Anindya Saha

Table of contents

A brief synopsis of what each use case is and what functionality of the SPARK SQL or DF API does it touch on.



1. Understanding the Data Set

2. Creating the Spark Session

3. Load the Data From Files Into DataFrames

4.1 Get How many Orders were placed


4.2 Get Average Revenue Per Order


4.3 Get Average Revenue Per Day


4.3.1 Get Average Revenue Per Month


4.3.2 Get Total Revenue Per Month Per Year


4.4 Group Revenues per Month per Year


4.5 Top Performing Departments


4.6 Get Highest Priced Product


4.7 Get Highest Revenue Earning Products


4.8 Top 5 Highest Revenue Earning Products Per Month Per Year


4.9 Get the most popular Categories


4.10 Get the revenue for each Category Per Year Per Quarter


4.11 Get Number of Orders By Status


4.12 Get Number of Orders By Order Date and Order Status


4.13 Get all CANCELED orders with amount greater than $1000


4.14 Sort Products by Category and Price


4.15 Sort Products by Price within Each Category


4.16 Get the topmost 5 products overall sorted by Price Highest to Lowest


4.17 Get the topmost 5 products in each category where the products are sorted by Price Highest to Lowest


4.18 Get topN products by price in each category


4.19 Get ‘topN priced’ products in each category


4.20 Get the Customer Id with max revenue on Daily basis


4.21 Get the top 3 Max Revenue Generating Customers Per Month in 2013


4.22 Get All Distinct Pair of Products the occurred in Orders where order total was greater than 300


4.23 Get All Customers who didn’t place an order in August 2013


4.24 Get All Customers who placed more than 5 orders in August 2013


import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, SQLContext

from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.window import Window

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col
# Visualization
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Visualization
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all"

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 50)

sns.set(context='notebook', style='whitegrid', rc={'figure.figsize': (18,4)})
#rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 18,4
# this allows plots to appear directly in the notebook
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 18,4
# setting random seed for notebook reproducability

1. Understanding the Data Set:

Picture Source:

mysql> describe customers;
| Field             | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| customer_id       | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| customer_fname    | varchar(45)  | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| customer_lname    | varchar(45)  | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| customer_email    | varchar(45)  | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| customer_password | varchar(45)  | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| customer_street   | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| customer_city     | varchar(45)  | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| customer_state    | varchar(45)  | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| customer_zipcode  | varchar(45)  | NO   |     | NULL    |                |

mysql> describe departments;
| Field           | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| department_id   | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| department_name | varchar(45) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |

mysql> describe categories;
| Field                  | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| category_id            | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| category_department_id | int(11)     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| category_name          | varchar(45) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |

mysql> describe products;
| Field               | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| product_id          | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| product_category_id | int(11)      | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| product_name        | varchar(45)  | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| product_description | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| product_price       | float        | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| product_image       | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |

mysql> describe orders;
| Field             | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| order_id          | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| order_date        | datetime    | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| order_customer_id | int(11)     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| order_status      | varchar(45) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |

mysql> describe order_items;
| Field                    | Type       | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| order_item_id            | int(11)    | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| order_item_order_id      | int(11)    | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| order_item_product_id    | int(11)    | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| order_item_quantity      | tinyint(4) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| order_item_subtotal      | float      | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| order_item_product_price | float      | NO   |     | NULL    |                |

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2. Creating the Spark Session:

# The following must be set in your .bashrc file
spark = (SparkSession
    <p><b>SparkSession - in-memory</b></p>
    <p><a href="http://ip-172-30-2-158.ec2.internal:4040">Spark UI</a></p>

sqlContext = SQLContext(spark.sparkContext)
<pyspark.sql.context.SQLContext at 0x7fae65c09588>

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3. Load the Data From Files Into DataFrames:

CUSTOMERS_DATA =   'data/customers.csv'
DEPARTMENTS_DATA = 'data/departments.csv'
CATEGORIES_DATA =  'data/categories.csv'
PRODUCTS_DATA =    'data/products.csv'
ORDERS_DATA =      'data/orders.csv'
ORDER_ITEMS_DATA = 'data/order_items.csv'
# define the schema, corresponding to a line in the csv data file for Customer
customers_schema = StructType([
    StructField('customer_id',       IntegerType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('customer_fname',    StringType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('customer_lname',    StringType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('customer_email',    StringType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('customer_password', StringType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('customer_street',   StringType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('customer_city',     StringType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('customer_state',    StringType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('customer_zipcode',  StringType(), nullable=True)])
departments_schema = StructType([
    StructField('department_id',   IntegerType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('department_name', StringType(), nullable=True)])
categories_schema = StructType([
    StructField('category_id',            IntegerType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('category_department_id', IntegerType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('category_name',          StringType(), nullable=True)])
products_schema = StructType([
    StructField('product_id',          IntegerType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('product_category_id', IntegerType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('product_name',        StringType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('product_description', StringType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('product_price',       FloatType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('product_image',       StringType(), nullable=True)])
orders_schema = StructType([
    StructField('order_id',          IntegerType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('order_date',        StringType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('order_customer_id', IntegerType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('order_status',      StringType(), nullable=True)])
order_items_schema = StructType([
    StructField('order_item_id',            IntegerType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('order_item_order_id',      IntegerType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('order_item_product_id',    IntegerType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('order_item_quantity',      IntegerType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('order_item_subtotal',      FloatType(), nullable=True),
    StructField('order_item_product_price', FloatType(), nullable=True)])
# Load data
customers_df =, schema=customers_schema)

departments_df =, schema=departments_schema)

categories_df =, schema=categories_schema)

products_df =, schema=products_schema)

orders_df =, schema=orders_schema)

order_items_df =, schema=order_items_schema)

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3.1. Register all the DataFrames as Temporary Views:

We cache all the dataframes because we would be using them again and again in different use cases below.

customers_df.createOrReplaceTempView("customers")[col(choice) for choice in np.random.choice(customers_df.columns, size=5, replace=False)]).show(5)
|     customer_street|customer_state|customer_id|customer_fname|customer_zipcode|
|  6303 Heather Plaza|            TX|          1|       Richard|           78521|
|9526 Noble Embers...|            CO|          2|          Mary|           80126|
|3422 Blue Pioneer...|            PR|          3|           Ann|           00725|
|  8324 Little Common|            CA|          4|          Mary|           92069|
|10 Crystal River ...|            PR|          5|        Robert|           00725|
only showing top 5 rows

|            2|        Fitness|
|            3|       Footwear|
|            4|        Apparel|
|            5|           Golf|
|            6|       Outdoors|
only showing top 5 rows

|category_id|category_department_id|      category_name|
|          1|                     2|           Football|
|          2|                     2|             Soccer|
|          3|                     2|Baseball & Softball|
|          4|                     2|         Basketball|
|          5|                     2|           Lacrosse|
only showing top 5 rows

|product_id|product_category_id|        product_name|product_description|product_price|       product_image|
|         1|                  2|Quest Q64 10 FT. ...|               null|        59.98|http://images.acm...|
|         2|                  2|Under Armour Men'...|               null|       129.99|http://images.acm...|
|         3|                  2|Under Armour Men'...|               null|        89.99|http://images.acm...|
|         4|                  2|Under Armour Men'...|               null|        89.99|http://images.acm...|
|         5|                  2|Riddell Youth Rev...|               null|       199.99|http://images.acm...|
only showing top 5 rows

|order_id|          order_date|order_customer_id|   order_status|
|       1|2013-07-25 00:00:...|            11599|         CLOSED|
|       2|2013-07-25 00:00:...|              256|PENDING_PAYMENT|
|       3|2013-07-25 00:00:...|            12111|       COMPLETE|
|       4|2013-07-25 00:00:...|             8827|         CLOSED|
|       5|2013-07-25 00:00:...|            11318|       COMPLETE|
only showing top 5 rows

|            1|                  1|                  957|                  1|             299.98|                  299.98|
|            2|                  2|                 1073|                  1|             199.99|                  199.99|
|            3|                  2|                  502|                  5|              250.0|                    50.0|
|            4|                  2|                  403|                  1|             129.99|                  129.99|
|            5|                  4|                  897|                  2|              49.98|                   24.99|
only showing top 5 rows

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4. Data Analysis:

import re

def strip_margin(text):
    nomargin = re.sub('\n[ \t]*\|', ' ', text)
    trimmed = re.sub('\s+', ' ', nomargin)
    return trimmed

4.1 Get How many Orders were placed:


spark.sql("select count(order_id) from orders").show()
|          68883|



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4.2 Get Average Revenue Per Order:


# Some orders are cancelled and they do not have corresponding entries in order_items, 
# so we need count(distinct oi.order_item_order_id)
        """SELECT SUM(oi.order_item_subtotal) / COUNT(DISTINCT oi.order_item_order_id) as avg_rev_per_order
          |FROM orders o JOIN order_items oi 
          |ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id


# how best to join two DataFrames without having a duplicated colum? Mention them as expression
(orders_df.join(order_items_df, orders_df.order_id == order_items_df.order_item_order_id)
 .select(['order_item_subtotal', 'order_item_order_id'])
 .select((F.sum('order_item_subtotal') / F.countDistinct('order_item_order_id')).alias('avg_rev_per_order'))

4.3 Get Average Revenue Per Day:


# Some orders are cancelled and they do not have corresponding entries in order_items, 
# so we need count(distinct oi.order_item_order_id)
        """SELECT o.order_date, sum(oi.order_item_subtotal) / COUNT(DISTINCT oi.order_item_order_id) as avg_rev_per_day
          |FROM orders o JOIN order_items oi 
          |    ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id
          |GROUP BY o.order_date 
          |ORDER BY o.order_date
|order_date           |avg_rev_per_day  |
|2013-07-25 00:00:00.0|587.5330286848134|
|2013-07-26 00:00:00.0|585.9234878147109|
|2013-07-27 00:00:00.0|577.5676682063512|
|2013-07-28 00:00:00.0|551.4119109020958|
|2013-07-29 00:00:00.0|635.5883909684641|
|2013-07-30 00:00:00.0|564.5363838698838|
|2013-07-31 00:00:00.0|630.9955146643533|
|2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|608.4982189502356|
|2013-08-02 00:00:00.0|587.8871075517388|
|2013-08-03 00:00:00.0|599.1628419048382|
|2013-08-04 00:00:00.0|594.3201416863335|
|2013-08-05 00:00:00.0|592.8305590897799|
|2013-08-06 00:00:00.0|579.68106844792  |
|2013-08-07 00:00:00.0|583.906170096101 |
|2013-08-08 00:00:00.0|588.4743191939134|
|2013-08-09 00:00:00.0|629.4593056380147|
|2013-08-10 00:00:00.0|586.3113241756664|
|2013-08-11 00:00:00.0|551.5472206441007|
|2013-08-12 00:00:00.0|612.4790563343757|
|2013-08-13 00:00:00.0|604.1594044945457|
only showing top 20 rows


avg_rev_per_day = (orders_df.join(order_items_df, orders_df.order_id == order_items_df.order_item_order_id)
     .select(['order_date', 'order_item_subtotal', 'order_item_order_id'])
     .agg((F.sum('order_item_subtotal') / F.countDistinct('order_item_order_id')).alias('avg_rev_per_day'))

DataFrame[order_date: string, avg_rev_per_day: double]
|order_date           |avg_rev_per_day  |
|2013-07-25 00:00:00.0|587.5330286848134|
|2013-07-26 00:00:00.0|585.9234878147109|
|2013-07-27 00:00:00.0|577.5676682063512|
|2013-07-28 00:00:00.0|551.4119109020958|
|2013-07-29 00:00:00.0|635.5883909684641|
|2013-07-30 00:00:00.0|564.5363838698838|
|2013-07-31 00:00:00.0|630.9955146643533|
|2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|608.4982189502356|
|2013-08-02 00:00:00.0|587.8871075517388|
|2013-08-03 00:00:00.0|599.1628419048382|
|2013-08-04 00:00:00.0|594.3201416863335|
|2013-08-05 00:00:00.0|592.8305590897799|
|2013-08-06 00:00:00.0|579.68106844792  |
|2013-08-07 00:00:00.0|583.906170096101 |
|2013-08-08 00:00:00.0|588.4743191939134|
|2013-08-09 00:00:00.0|629.4593056380147|
|2013-08-10 00:00:00.0|586.3113241756664|
|2013-08-11 00:00:00.0|551.5472206441007|
|2013-08-12 00:00:00.0|612.4790563343757|
|2013-08-13 00:00:00.0|604.1594044945457|
only showing top 20 rows

4.3.1 Get Average Revenue Per Month:


avg_rev_per_month = (avg_rev_per_day
                     .select(F.month('order_date').alias('month'), 'avg_rev_per_day')

DataFrame[month: int, avg_rev_per_month: double]
|1    |595.4252200140596|
|2    |594.3819554505748|
|3    |601.5593062028504|
|4    |594.360451299625 |
|5    |606.5245105647007|
|6    |611.6376611446879|
|7    |593.4468831474544|
|8    |597.588355427047 |
|9    |604.5177239484814|
|10   |590.8111000351574|
|11   |597.1851199455583|
|12   |596.4810251733772|

avg_rev_per_month.toPandas()'month', title='Average Revenue Per Month');


DataFrame[month: int, avg_rev_per_month: double]

DataFrame[order_date: string, avg_rev_per_day: double]

4.3.2 Get Total Revenue Per Month Per Year:


        """SELECT YEAR(o.order_date) as order_year, MONTH(o.order_date) as order_month, SUM(oi.order_item_subtotal) tot_revenue 
          |FROM orders o JOIN order_items oi 
          |    ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id
          |GROUP BY order_year, order_month 
          |ORDER BY order_year, order_month
|order_year|order_month|tot_revenue       |
|2013      |7          |764782.2047252655 |
|2013      |8          |2828658.754573822 |
|2013      |9          |2934527.3265972137|
|2013      |10         |2624600.6605644226|
|2013      |11         |3168656.0921707153|
|2013      |12         |2932964.327445984 |
|2014      |1          |2924447.0670757294|
|2014      |2          |2778663.7149181366|
|2014      |3          |2862492.265932083 |
|2014      |4          |2807789.8547916412|
|2014      |5          |2753078.2738227844|
|2014      |6          |2703463.491306305 |
|2014      |7          |2238496.5645008087|


tot_rev_per_month_per_year = (orders_df.join(order_items_df, orders_df.order_id == order_items_df.order_item_order_id)
     .select([F.year('order_date').alias('order_year'), F.month('order_date').alias('order_month'), 'order_item_subtotal'])
     .groupBy(['order_year', 'order_month'])
     .orderBy(['order_year', 'order_month']))

DataFrame[order_year: int, order_month: int, tot_revenue: double]
|order_year|order_month|       tot_revenue|
|      2013|          7| 764782.2047252655|
|      2013|          8| 2828658.754573822|
|      2013|          9|2934527.3265972137|
|      2013|         10|2624600.6605644226|
|      2013|         11|3168656.0921707153|
|      2013|         12| 2932964.327445984|
|      2014|          1|2924447.0670757294|
|      2014|          2|2778663.7149181366|
|      2014|          3| 2862492.265932083|
|      2014|          4|2807789.8547916412|
|      2014|          5|2753078.2738227844|
|      2014|          6| 2703463.491306305|
|      2014|          7|2238496.5645008087|

pdf = tot_rev_per_month_per_year.toPandas()
g = sns.barplot(x='order_month', y='tot_revenue', hue='order_year', data=pdf)
g.set_title('Total Revenue Per Month Per Year');


DataFrame[order_year: int, order_month: int, tot_revenue: double]

4.4 Group Revenues per Month per Year:

The idea is taken from the book Spark: The Definitive Guide We have seen simple group-by expressions that we can use to aggregate on a set of columns with the values in those columns. However, sometimes we want something a bit more complete - an aggregation across multiple groups. We achieve this by using grouping sets


When we want to do traditional sum of revenues per month per year we can achieve the same using grouping sets as well besides the traditional group by as shown below:

        """SELECT YEAR(o.order_date) as order_year, MONTH(o.order_date) as order_month, CAST(SUM(oi.order_item_subtotal) AS DECIMAL(38,2)) as tot_revenue 
          |FROM orders o JOIN order_items oi 
          |    ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id
          |GROUP BY order_year, order_month GROUPING SETS((order_year, order_month))
          |ORDER BY order_year, order_month
|      2013|          7|  764782.20|
|      2013|          8| 2828658.75|
|      2013|          9| 2934527.33|
|      2013|         10| 2624600.66|
|      2013|         11| 3168656.09|
|      2013|         12| 2932964.33|
|      2014|          1| 2924447.07|
|      2014|          2| 2778663.71|
|      2014|          3| 2862492.27|
|      2014|          4| 2807789.85|
|      2014|          5| 2753078.27|
|      2014|          6| 2703463.49|
|      2014|          7| 2238496.56|

Simple enough, but what if we also want to include the total revenue irrespective of the order_month and the order_year in the same result? With a conventional group-by statement, this would be impossible. But it’s simple with grouping sets: we simply specify that we would like to aggregate at that level, as well in our grouping set. This is, effectively, the union of several different groupings together.

        """SELECT YEAR(o.order_date) as order_year, MONTH(o.order_date) as order_month, CAST(SUM(oi.order_item_subtotal) AS DECIMAL(38,2)) as tot_revenue 
          |FROM orders o JOIN order_items oi 
          |    ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id
          |GROUP BY order_year, order_month GROUPING SETS((order_year, order_month),())
          |ORDER BY order_year, order_month
|      null|       null|34322620.60|
|      2013|          7|  764782.20|
|      2013|          8| 2828658.75|
|      2013|          9| 2934527.33|
|      2013|         10| 2624600.66|
|      2013|         11| 3168656.09|
|      2013|         12| 2932964.33|
|      2014|          1| 2924447.07|
|      2014|          2| 2778663.71|
|      2014|          3| 2862492.27|
|      2014|          4| 2807789.85|
|      2014|          5| 2753078.27|
|      2014|          6| 2703463.49|
|      2014|          7| 2238496.56|

Here, include the following groupings in the same result:

  • total revenue irrespective of the order_year and order_month

  • total revenue per order_year irrespective of the order_month

  • total revenue per order_month irrespective of the order_year

  • total revenue per order_year per order_month

        """SELECT YEAR(o.order_date) as order_year, MONTH(o.order_date) as order_month, CAST(SUM(oi.order_item_subtotal) AS DECIMAL(38,2)) as tot_revenue  
          |FROM orders o JOIN order_items oi 
          |    ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id
          |GROUP BY order_year, order_month GROUPING SETS((order_year, order_month), (order_year), (order_month), ())
          |ORDER BY order_year, order_month
|      null|       null|34322620.60|
|      null|          1| 2924447.07|
|      null|          2| 2778663.71|
|      null|          3| 2862492.27|
|      null|          4| 2807789.85|
|      null|          5| 2753078.27|
|      null|          6| 2703463.49|
|      null|          7| 3003278.77|
|      null|          8| 2828658.75|
|      null|          9| 2934527.33|
|      null|         10| 2624600.66|
|      null|         11| 3168656.09|
|      null|         12| 2932964.33|
|      2013|       null|15254189.37|
|      2013|          7|  764782.20|
|      2013|          8| 2828658.75|
|      2013|          9| 2934527.33|
|      2013|         10| 2624600.66|
|      2013|         11| 3168656.09|
|      2013|         12| 2932964.33|
|      2014|       null|19068431.23|
|      2014|          1| 2924447.07|
|      2014|          2| 2778663.71|
|      2014|          3| 2862492.27|
|      2014|          4| 2807789.85|
|      2014|          5| 2753078.27|
|      2014|          6| 2703463.49|
|      2014|          7| 2238496.56|

DF API: The GROUPING SETS operator is only available in SQL. To perform the same in DataFrames, we need to use the rollup and cube operators - which allow us to get the same results.

Let’s first get all the sales.

rev_df = (orders_df.join(order_items_df, orders_df.order_id == order_items_df.order_item_order_id)
     .select([F.year('order_date').alias('order_year'), F.month('order_date').alias('order_month'), 'order_item_subtotal']))

DataFrame[order_year: int, order_month: int, order_item_subtotal: float]
|2013      |7          |299.98             |
|2013      |7          |199.99             |
|2013      |7          |250.0              |
|2013      |7          |129.99             |
|2013      |7          |49.98              |
|2013      |7          |299.95             |
|2013      |7          |150.0              |
|2013      |7          |199.92             |
|2013      |7          |299.98             |
|2013      |7          |299.95             |
|2013      |7          |99.96              |
|2013      |7          |299.98             |
|2013      |7          |129.99             |
|2013      |7          |199.99             |
|2013      |7          |299.98             |
|2013      |7          |79.95              |
|2013      |7          |179.97             |
|2013      |7          |299.95             |
|2013      |7          |199.92             |
|2013      |7          |50.0               |
only showing top 20 rows

pdf = rev_df.toPandas()
g = sns.boxplot(x='order_month', y='order_item_subtotal', hue='order_year', data=pdf)
g.set_title('Distribution of Revenue Per Month for 2013');


Rollups: A rollup is a multidimensional aggregation that performs a variety of group-by style calculation for us. When we do a rollup based on order_year and order_month then we get the following multidimensional aggregations:

  • total revenue irrespective of the order_year and order_month

  • total revenue per order_year irrespective of the order_month

  • total revenue per order_year per order_month

 .rollup("order_year", "order_month")
 .agg(F.sum(col("order_item_subtotal")).cast(DecimalType(38, 2)).alias("tot_revenue"))
 .orderBy(['order_year', 'order_month'])).show(50)
|      null|       null|34322620.60|
|      2013|       null|15254189.37|
|      2013|          7|  764782.20|
|      2013|          8| 2828658.75|
|      2013|          9| 2934527.33|
|      2013|         10| 2624600.66|
|      2013|         11| 3168656.09|
|      2013|         12| 2932964.33|
|      2014|       null|19068431.23|
|      2014|          1| 2924447.07|
|      2014|          2| 2778663.71|
|      2014|          3| 2862492.27|
|      2014|          4| 2807789.85|
|      2014|          5| 2753078.27|
|      2014|          6| 2703463.49|
|      2014|          7| 2238496.56|

Cube: In rollup above we did not get the aggregation

  • total revenue per order_month irrespective of the order_year

Rollup treats elements hierarchically and since order_month was the last element in the group-by clause so it is treated as the last level of hierarchy and hence to grouping was performed on order_month alone. We can use cube here. A cube takes the rollup to a level deeper. Rather than treating elements hierarchically, a cube does the same thing across all dimensions. This means it won’t just go by order_year over the entire time period, but also the order_month.

Using cube helps to answer all the of the following in one aggregate DataFrame.

  • total revenue irrespective of the order_year and order_month

  • total revenue per order_year irrespective of the order_month

  • total revenue per order_month irrespective of the order_year

  • total revenue per order_year per order_month

 .cube("order_year", "order_month")
 .orderBy(['order_year', 'order_month'])).show(50)
|order_year|order_month|         total_sales|
|      null|       null| 3.432262059842491E7|
|      null|          1|  2924447.0670757294|
|      null|          2|  2778663.7149181366|
|      null|          3|   2862492.265932083|
|      null|          4|  2807789.8547916412|
|      null|          5|  2753078.2738227844|
|      null|          6|   2703463.491306305|
|      null|          7|   3003278.769226074|
|      null|          8|   2828658.754573822|
|      null|          9|  2934527.3265972137|
|      null|         10|  2624600.6605644226|
|      null|         11|  3168656.0921707153|
|      null|         12|   2932964.327445984|
|      2013|       null|1.5254189366077423E7|
|      2013|          7|   764782.2047252655|
|      2013|          8|   2828658.754573822|
|      2013|          9|  2934527.3265972137|
|      2013|         10|  2624600.6605644226|
|      2013|         11|  3168656.0921707153|
|      2013|         12|   2932964.327445984|
|      2014|       null| 1.906843123234749E7|
|      2014|          1|  2924447.0670757294|
|      2014|          2|  2778663.7149181366|
|      2014|          3|   2862492.265932083|
|      2014|          4|  2807789.8547916412|
|      2014|          5|  2753078.2738227844|
|      2014|          6|   2703463.491306305|
|      2014|          7|  2238496.5645008087|

Back to Top

4.5 Top Performing Departments:


        """SELECT d.department_name, YEAR(o.order_date) as order_year, SUM(oi.order_item_subtotal) as tot_revenue
          |FROM orders o 
          |    INNER JOIN order_items oi 
          |        ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id
          |    INNER JOIN products p
          |        ON oi.order_item_product_id = p.product_id
          |    INNER JOIN categories c
          |        ON c.category_id = p.product_category_id
          |    INNER JOIN departments d
          |        ON c.category_department_id = d.department_id
          |WHERE o.order_status <> 'CANCELED' AND o.order_status <> 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'
          |GROUP BY d.department_name, order_year
          |ORDER BY d.department_name, order_year
|department_name|order_year|tot_revenue       |
|Apparel        |2013      |3090985.6535224915|
|Apparel        |2014      |3917585.841217041 |
|Fan Shop       |2013      |7290831.879999161 |
|Fan Shop       |2014      |9095735.77280426  |
|Fitness        |2013      |119526.58082199097|
|Fitness        |2014      |150509.1409931183 |
|Footwear       |2013      |1711492.5186824799|
|Footwear       |2014      |2122339.649032593 |
|Golf           |2013      |1967396.959728241 |
|Golf           |2014      |2440585.2815055847|
|Outdoors       |2013      |420317.9507675171 |
|Outdoors       |2014      |532437.6709976196 |


df = (orders_df
      .filter((orders_df.order_status != 'CANCELED') & (orders_df.order_status != 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'))
      .join(order_items_df, orders_df.order_id == order_items_df.order_item_order_id, how='inner')
      .join(products_df, order_items_df.order_item_product_id == products_df.product_id, how='inner')
      .join(categories_df, products_df.product_category_id == categories_df.category_id, how='inner')
      .join(departments_df, categories_df.category_department_id == departments_df.department_id, how='inner')
      .select('department_name', F.year(orders_df.order_date).alias('order_year'), 'order_item_subtotal')
      .groupBy([departments_df.department_name, 'order_year'])
      .orderBy('department_name', 'order_year'))
DataFrame[department_name: string, order_year: int, tot_revenue: double]
|department_name|order_year|       tot_revenue|
|        Apparel|      2013|3090985.6535224915|
|        Apparel|      2014| 3917585.841217041|
|       Fan Shop|      2013| 7290831.879999161|
|       Fan Shop|      2014|  9095735.77280426|
|        Fitness|      2013|119526.58082199097|
|        Fitness|      2014| 150509.1409931183|
|       Footwear|      2013|1711492.5186824799|
|       Footwear|      2014| 2122339.649032593|
|           Golf|      2013| 1967396.959728241|
|           Golf|      2014|2440585.2815055847|
|       Outdoors|      2013| 420317.9507675171|
|       Outdoors|      2014| 532437.6709976196|

pdf = df.toPandas()
pdf = pdf.pivot(index='department_name', columns='order_year', values='tot_revenue')
order_year               2013          2014
Apparel          3.090986e+06  3.917586e+06
Fan Shop         7.290832e+06  9.095736e+06
Fitness          1.195266e+05  1.505091e+05
Footwear         1.711493e+06  2.122340e+06
Golf             1.967397e+06  2.440585e+06
Outdoors         4.203180e+05  5.324377e+05, title='Top Performing Departments');


DataFrame[department_name: string, order_year: int, tot_revenue: double]

Back to Top

4.6 Get Highest Priced Product:


        """SELECT p.* 
          |FROM products p
          |WHERE p.product_price = (SELECT MAX(q.product_price) FROM products q)
|product_id|product_category_id|       product_name|product_description|product_price|       product_image|
|       208|                 10|SOLE E35 Elliptical|               null|      1999.99|http://images.acm...|

SQL Using rank() Window Function:

        """SELECT * 
          |FROM ( 
          |    SELECT *, 
          |         RANK() OVER (ORDER BY product_price DESC) as rank
          |    FROM products) tmp
          |WHERE rank <= 1
|product_id|product_category_id|       product_name|product_description|product_price|       product_image|rank|
|       208|                 10|SOLE E35 Elliptical|               null|      1999.99|http://images.acm...|   1|


 .filter(col('product_price') =='product_price')).collect()[0][0])
|product_id|product_category_id|       product_name|product_description|product_price|       product_image|
|       208|                 10|SOLE E35 Elliptical|               null|      1999.99|http://images.acm...|

DF API Using Window Function:

windowSpec = Window.orderBy(products_df['product_price'].desc())'*', F.rank().over(windowSpec).alias('rank')).filter(col('rank') <= 1).show()
|product_id|product_category_id|       product_name|product_description|product_price|       product_image|rank|
|       208|                 10|SOLE E35 Elliptical|               null|      1999.99|http://images.acm...|   1|

Back to Top

4.7 Get Highest Revenue Earning Products:


        """SELECT p.*, r.product_revenue
          |FROM products p, (SELECT oi.order_item_product_id, SUM(CAST(oi.order_item_subtotal as float)) as product_revenue
          |                    FROM order_items oi 
          |                    GROUP BY order_item_product_id 
          |                    ORDER BY product_revenue DESC 
          |                    LIMIT 1) r
          |WHERE product_id = r.order_item_product_id
|product_id|product_category_id|        product_name|product_description|product_price|       product_image|  product_revenue|
|      1004|                 45|Field & Stream Sp...|               null|       399.98|http://images.acm...|6929653.690338135|


# Top 10 revenue generating products (another way of doing similar thing as above)
        """SELECT p.product_id, p.product_category_id, p.product_name, r.product_revenue
          |FROM products p INNER JOIN
          |                    (SELECT oi.order_item_product_id, round(SUM(CAST(oi.order_item_subtotal as float)), 2) as product_revenue
          |                     FROM order_items oi INNER JOIN orders o 
          |                         ON oi.order_item_order_id = o.order_id
          |                     WHERE o.order_status <> 'CANCELED'
          |                     AND o.order_status <> 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'
          |                     GROUP BY oi.order_item_product_id) r
          |ON p.product_id = r.order_item_product_id
          |ORDER BY r.product_revenue DESC
          |LIMIT 10
|product_id|product_category_id|product_name                                 |product_revenue|
|1004      |45                 |Field & Stream Sportsman 16 Gun Fire Safe    |6637668.28     |
|365       |17                 |Perfect Fitness Perfect Rip Deck             |4233794.37     |
|957       |43                 |Diamondback Women's Serene Classic Comfort Bi|3946837.0      |
|191       |9                  |Nike Men's Free 5.0+ Running Shoe            |3507549.21     |
|502       |24                 |Nike Men's Dri-FIT Victory Golf Polo         |3011600.0      |
|1073      |48                 |Pelican Sunstream 100 Kayak                  |2967851.68     |
|1014      |46                 |O'Brien Men's Neoprene Life Vest             |2765543.31     |
|403       |18                 |Nike Men's CJ Elite 2 TD Football Cleat      |2763977.49     |
|627       |29                 |Under Armour Girls' Toddler Spine Surge Runni|1214896.22     |
|565       |26                 |adidas Youth Germany Black/Red Away Match Soc|63490.0        |


# 1. Get the sum of revenue of all the products grouped by order_item_product_id from order_items table
# 2. Sort the result in descending order of their revenues
# 3. Take only the first one from the sorted order using the limit() function
# 4. Join with the prorcuts column to get the product details
(['order_item_product_id', 'order_item_subtotal'])
     .orderBy('product_revenue', ascending=False)
     .join(products_df, order_items_df.order_item_product_id == products_df.product_id, how='inner')
     .select('product_id', 'product_category_id', 'product_name', 'product_revenue')
|product_id|product_category_id|        product_name|  product_revenue|
|      1004|                 45|Field & Stream Sp...|6929653.690338135|

Back to Top

4.8 Top 5 Highest Revenue Earning Products Per Month Per Year:


# Map from month number to actual month string
monthmap = {1:"Jan", 2:"Feb", 3:"Mar",  4:"Apr", 5:"May", 6:"Jun", 7:"Jul", 8:"Aug", 9:"Sep", 10:"Oct", 11:"Nov", 12:"Dec"}
# in order to use an udf with sql it needs to be registerd to sqlContext
sqlContext.udf.register("udfmonTomonth", lambda m: monthmap[m], StringType())
<function __main__.<lambda>>
df = spark.sql(strip_margin(
        """SELECT q.* 
          |FROM (
          |     SELECT r.*, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION by order_year, order_month ORDER BY product_revenue DESC) as dense_rank
          |     FROM (
          |          SELECT YEAR(o.order_date) as order_year, udfmonTomonth(MONTH(o.order_date)) as order_month, p.product_name, ROUND(SUM(CAST(oi.order_item_subtotal as float)), 2) as product_revenue
          |          FROM order_items oi 
          |              INNER JOIN orders o 
          |                  ON oi.order_item_order_id = o.order_id
          |              INNER JOIN products p
          |                  ON oi.order_item_product_id = p.product_id
          |              WHERE o.order_status <> 'CANCELED' AND o.order_status <> 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'
          |              GROUP BY order_year, order_month, p.product_name ) r ) q
          |WHERE q.dense_rank <= 5
          |ORDER BY q.order_year, q.order_month, q.dense_rank

DataFrame[order_year: int, order_month: string, product_name: string, product_revenue: double, dense_rank: int]
|order_year|order_month|product_name                                 |product_revenue|dense_rank|
|2013      |Aug        |Field & Stream Sportsman 16 Gun Fire Safe    |540772.97      |1         |
|2013      |Aug        |Perfect Fitness Perfect Rip Deck             |349861.69      |2         |
|2013      |Aug        |Diamondback Women's Serene Classic Comfort Bi|319778.69      |3         |
|2013      |Aug        |Nike Men's Free 5.0+ Running Shoe            |279172.08      |4         |
|2013      |Aug        |Nike Men's Dri-FIT Victory Golf Polo         |247700.0       |5         |
|2013      |Dec        |Field & Stream Sportsman 16 Gun Fire Safe    |595570.24      |1         |
|2013      |Dec        |Perfect Fitness Perfect Rip Deck             |342842.86      |2         |
|2013      |Dec        |Diamondback Women's Serene Classic Comfort Bi|336277.59      |3         |
|2013      |Dec        |Nike Men's Free 5.0+ Running Shoe            |298370.16      |4         |
|2013      |Dec        |Pelican Sunstream 100 Kayak                  |249987.51      |5         |
|2013      |Jul        |Field & Stream Sportsman 16 Gun Fire Safe    |150792.46      |1         |
|2013      |Jul        |Perfect Fitness Perfect Rip Deck             |98923.51       |2         |
|2013      |Jul        |Diamondback Women's Serene Classic Comfort Bi|92993.8        |3         |
|2013      |Jul        |Nike Men's Free 5.0+ Running Shoe            |77192.28       |4         |
|2013      |Jul        |Nike Men's Dri-FIT Victory Golf Polo         |64750.0        |5         |
|2013      |Nov        |Field & Stream Sportsman 16 Gun Fire Safe    |605969.72      |1         |
|2013      |Nov        |Perfect Fitness Perfect Rip Deck             |384655.89      |2         |
|2013      |Nov        |Diamondback Women's Serene Classic Comfort Bi|375874.95      |3         |
|2013      |Nov        |Nike Men's Free 5.0+ Running Shoe            |328567.14      |4         |
|2013      |Nov        |Nike Men's Dri-FIT Victory Golf Polo         |278400.0       |5         |
only showing top 20 rows

pdf = df.toPandas()

For 2013:

g = sns.barplot(x="order_month", y="product_revenue", hue="product_name", data=pdf[pdf['order_year'] == 2013])
g.set_title('Top 5 Highest Revenue Earning Products Per Month in 2013');


For 2014:

g = sns.barplot(x="order_month", y="product_revenue", hue="product_name", data=pdf[pdf['order_year'] == 2014]);
g.set_title('Top 5 Highest Revenue Earning Products Per Month in 2014');


DataFrame[order_year: int, order_month: string, product_name: string, product_revenue: double, dense_rank: int]


# Define a udf
udfmonTomonth = udf(lambda m: monthmap[m], StringType())
rev_per_month_per_year_per_product = (orders_df
                         .select(F.year('order_date').alias('order_year'), udfmonTomonth(F.month('order_date')).alias('order_month'), 'order_id', 'order_status')
                         .where((col('order_status') != 'CANCELED') & (col('order_status') != 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'))
                         .join(order_items_df, orders_df.order_id == order_items_df.order_item_order_id, how='inner')
                         .join(products_df, order_items_df.order_item_product_id == products_df.product_id, how='inner')
                         .select(['order_year', 'order_month', 'product_name', 'order_item_subtotal'])
                         .groupBy(['order_year', 'order_month', 'product_name'])
                         .agg(F.round(F.sum('order_item_subtotal'), 2).alias('product_revenue')))

DataFrame[order_year: int, order_month: string, product_name: string, product_revenue: double], truncate=False)
|order_year|order_month|product_name                                 |product_revenue|
|2013      |Nov        |Under Armour Women's Micro G Skulpt Running S|3792.93        |
|2013      |Oct        |Polar Loop Activity Tracker                  |329.85         |
|2014      |Jan        |Bushnell Pro X7 Jolt Slope Rangefinder       |599.99         |
|2013      |Aug        |Hirzl Men's Hybrid Golf Glove                |1064.29        |
|2014      |Feb        |Titleist Small Wheeled Travel Cover          |249.99         |
only showing top 5 rows

windowSpec = Window.partitionBy([rev_per_month_per_year_per_product.order_year, rev_per_month_per_year_per_product.order_month]).orderBy(rev_per_month_per_year_per_product['product_revenue'].desc())
top_prod_per_month_per_year_by_rev = (rev_per_month_per_year_per_product
                           .select('*', F.dense_rank().over(windowSpec).alias('dense_rank'))
                           .filter(col('dense_rank') <= 5)
                           .orderBy(['order_year', 'order_month', 'dense_rank']))

DataFrame[order_year: int, order_month: string, product_name: string, product_revenue: double, dense_rank: int]
|order_year|order_month|product_name                                 |product_revenue|dense_rank|
|2013      |Aug        |Field & Stream Sportsman 16 Gun Fire Safe    |540772.97      |1         |
|2013      |Aug        |Perfect Fitness Perfect Rip Deck             |349861.69      |2         |
|2013      |Aug        |Diamondback Women's Serene Classic Comfort Bi|319778.69      |3         |
|2013      |Aug        |Nike Men's Free 5.0+ Running Shoe            |279172.08      |4         |
|2013      |Aug        |Nike Men's Dri-FIT Victory Golf Polo         |247700.0       |5         |
|2013      |Dec        |Field & Stream Sportsman 16 Gun Fire Safe    |595570.24      |1         |
|2013      |Dec        |Perfect Fitness Perfect Rip Deck             |342842.86      |2         |
|2013      |Dec        |Diamondback Women's Serene Classic Comfort Bi|336277.59      |3         |
|2013      |Dec        |Nike Men's Free 5.0+ Running Shoe            |298370.16      |4         |
|2013      |Dec        |Pelican Sunstream 100 Kayak                  |249987.51      |5         |
|2013      |Jul        |Field & Stream Sportsman 16 Gun Fire Safe    |150792.46      |1         |
|2013      |Jul        |Perfect Fitness Perfect Rip Deck             |98923.51       |2         |
|2013      |Jul        |Diamondback Women's Serene Classic Comfort Bi|92993.8        |3         |
|2013      |Jul        |Nike Men's Free 5.0+ Running Shoe            |77192.28       |4         |
|2013      |Jul        |Nike Men's Dri-FIT Victory Golf Polo         |64750.0        |5         |
|2013      |Nov        |Field & Stream Sportsman 16 Gun Fire Safe    |605969.72      |1         |
|2013      |Nov        |Perfect Fitness Perfect Rip Deck             |384655.89      |2         |
|2013      |Nov        |Diamondback Women's Serene Classic Comfort Bi|375874.95      |3         |
|2013      |Nov        |Nike Men's Free 5.0+ Running Shoe            |328567.14      |4         |
|2013      |Nov        |Nike Men's Dri-FIT Victory Golf Polo         |278400.0       |5         |
only showing top 20 rows

DataFrame[order_year: int, order_month: string, product_name: string, product_revenue: double]

DataFrame[order_year: int, order_month: string, product_name: string, product_revenue: double, dense_rank: int]

Back to Top

4.10 Get the revenue for each Category Per Year Per Quarter:

This use case is inspired from

Reshaping Data with Pivot in Apache Spark:

pivot is applied after a groupBy operation. It pivots on a pivotColumn column, i.e. adds new columns per distinct values in pivotColumn and the values from the groupBy operation becomes the values in the correponding new distinct valued columns.

SQL + DF API (prior to Spark 2.4.0)
Now we calculate total sales per quarter and then pivot on the quarter. There was no equivalent pivot function in SQL in Spark till 2.3.0 so we had to do a combination of SQL to get the intermediate dataframe and then call the pivot function on that dataframe.

Let us first generate a subdataframe where we extract out the quarter from the order date. We would find the total per quarter for a given category per year.

rev_cat_qt_df = (spark.sql(strip_margin(
            """SELECT c.category_name, YEAR(o.order_date) as order_year, CONCAT('Q', QUARTER(o.order_date)) as order_quarter, order_item_subtotal
              |FROM orders o 
              |INNER JOIN order_items oi on order_item_order_id = o.order_id
              |INNER JOIN products p on oi.order_item_product_id = p.product_id 
              |INNER JOIN categories c on p.product_category_id = c.category_id
              |WHERE o.order_status <> 'CANCELED' AND o.order_status <> 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'""")))

DataFrame[category_name: string, order_year: int, order_quarter: string, order_item_subtotal: float]
|       category_name|order_year|order_quarter|order_item_subtotal|
|    Camping & Hiking|      2013|           Q3|             299.98|
|        Water Sports|      2013|           Q3|             199.99|
|     Women's Apparel|      2013|           Q3|              250.0|
|      Men's Footwear|      2013|           Q3|             129.99|
|         Accessories|      2013|           Q3|              49.98|
|              Cleats|      2013|           Q3|             299.95|
|     Women's Apparel|      2013|           Q3|              150.0|
|Indoor/Outdoor Games|      2013|           Q3|             199.92|
|    Camping & Hiking|      2013|           Q3|             299.98|
|              Cleats|      2013|           Q3|             299.95|
|Indoor/Outdoor Games|      2013|           Q3|              99.96|
|    Camping & Hiking|      2013|           Q3|             299.98|
|      Men's Footwear|      2013|           Q3|             129.99|
|        Water Sports|      2013|           Q3|             199.99|
|    Camping & Hiking|      2013|           Q3|             299.98|
|            Trade-In|      2013|           Q3|              79.95|
|              Cleats|      2013|           Q3|             179.97|
|              Cleats|      2013|           Q3|             299.95|
|Indoor/Outdoor Games|      2013|           Q3|             199.92|
|     Women's Apparel|      2013|           Q3|               50.0|
only showing top 20 rows

rev_cat_qt_pivot_df = (rev_cat_qt_df
              .groupBy('category_name', 'order_year')
              .pivot('order_quarter', ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4']) # specifying the unique values (if we know) for pivot column makes execution faster
              .agg(F.round(F.sum('order_item_subtotal'), 2))
              .withColumn('total_sales', F.round(F.coalesce(col('Q1'), F.lit(0)) + F.coalesce(col('Q2'), F.lit(0)) + F.coalesce(col('Q3'), F.lit(0)) + F.coalesce(col('Q4'), F.lit(0)), 2))
              .orderBy('total_sales', ascending=False))

DataFrame[category_name: string, order_year: int, Q1: double, Q2: double, Q3: double, Q4: double, total_sales: double]
|       category_name|order_year|        Q1|        Q2|        Q3|        Q4|total_sales|
|             Fishing|      2014|1673916.35| 1594720.3| 415179.25|      null|  3683815.9|
|             Fishing|      2013|      null|      null|1248337.61|1705514.77| 2953852.38|
|              Cleats|      2014|1080480.24|1027808.94| 270734.96|      null| 2379024.14|
|    Camping & Hiking|      2014| 981834.58| 935637.65| 273281.79|      null| 2190754.02|
|    Cardio Equipment|      2014| 855664.98| 873333.24| 223277.91|      null| 1952276.13|
|              Cleats|      2013|      null|      null| 806026.14|1059543.73| 1865569.87|
|    Camping & Hiking|      2013|      null|      null| 745750.31|1010332.68| 1756082.99|
|     Women's Apparel|      2014|  756700.0|  728450.0|  196000.0|      null|  1681150.0|
|        Water Sports|      2014| 740763.07| 715814.31| 202239.92|      null|  1658817.3|
|    Cardio Equipment|      2013|      null|      null| 686091.93| 894921.15| 1581013.08|
|      Men's Footwear|      2014| 692846.73| 662689.05| 183025.93|      null| 1538561.71|
|Indoor/Outdoor Games|      2014| 684126.23| 674530.07| 172530.96|      null| 1531187.26|
|     Women's Apparel|      2013|      null|      null|  564200.0|  766250.0|  1330450.0|
|        Water Sports|      2013|      null|      null| 570671.53| 752362.46| 1323033.99|
|Indoor/Outdoor Games|      2013|      null|      null| 529937.93| 704418.11| 1234356.04|
|      Men's Footwear|      2013|      null|      null| 512680.58|  712735.2| 1225415.78|
|       Shop By Sport|      2014| 306115.55| 294338.72|  82260.02|      null|  682714.29|
|       Shop By Sport|      2013|      null|      null| 246249.99| 324431.35|  570681.34|
|         Electronics|      2014|  82597.71|  86027.36|   22332.4|      null|  190957.47|
|         Electronics|      2013|      null|      null|  68847.75|  97031.17|  165878.92|
only showing top 20 rows

SQL (post Spark 2.4.0)
With Spark 2.4.0 SQL equivalent pivot function was introduced. Now we can achieve the same same with one query instead to DF + SQL combination.

"""SELECT *, ROUND(COALESCE(Q1, 0) + COALESCE(Q2, 0) + COALESCE(Q3, 0) + COALESCE(Q4, 0), 2) as total_sales FROM (
     SELECT * FROM (
        SELECT c.category_name, YEAR(o.order_date) as order_year, CONCAT('Q', QUARTER(o.order_date)) as order_quarter, order_item_subtotal
        FROM orders o 
        INNER JOIN order_items oi on order_item_order_id = o.order_id
        INNER JOIN products p on oi.order_item_product_id = p.product_id 
        INNER JOIN categories c on p.product_category_id = c.category_id
        WHERE o.order_status <> 'CANCELED' AND o.order_status <> 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'
     PIVOT (
        ROUND(SUM(order_item_subtotal), 2)
        FOR order_quarter in ('Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4')
   ORDER BY total_sales DESC
|       category_name|order_year|        Q1|        Q2|        Q3|        Q4|total_sales|
|             Fishing|      2014|1673916.35| 1594720.3| 415179.25|      null|  3683815.9|
|             Fishing|      2013|      null|      null|1248337.61|1705514.77| 2953852.38|
|              Cleats|      2014|1080480.24|1027808.94| 270734.96|      null| 2379024.14|
|    Camping & Hiking|      2014| 981834.58| 935637.65| 273281.79|      null| 2190754.02|
|    Cardio Equipment|      2014| 855664.98| 873333.24| 223277.91|      null| 1952276.13|
|              Cleats|      2013|      null|      null| 806026.14|1059543.73| 1865569.87|
|    Camping & Hiking|      2013|      null|      null| 745750.31|1010332.68| 1756082.99|
|     Women's Apparel|      2014|  756700.0|  728450.0|  196000.0|      null|  1681150.0|
|        Water Sports|      2014| 740763.07| 715814.31| 202239.92|      null|  1658817.3|
|    Cardio Equipment|      2013|      null|      null| 686091.93| 894921.15| 1581013.08|
|      Men's Footwear|      2014| 692846.73| 662689.05| 183025.93|      null| 1538561.71|
|Indoor/Outdoor Games|      2014| 684126.23| 674530.07| 172530.96|      null| 1531187.26|
|     Women's Apparel|      2013|      null|      null|  564200.0|  766250.0|  1330450.0|
|        Water Sports|      2013|      null|      null| 570671.53| 752362.46| 1323033.99|
|Indoor/Outdoor Games|      2013|      null|      null| 529937.93| 704418.11| 1234356.04|
|      Men's Footwear|      2013|      null|      null| 512680.58|  712735.2| 1225415.78|
|       Shop By Sport|      2014| 306115.55| 294338.72|  82260.02|      null|  682714.29|
|       Shop By Sport|      2013|      null|      null| 246249.99| 324431.35|  570681.34|
|         Electronics|      2014|  82597.71|  86027.36|   22332.4|      null|  190957.47|
|         Electronics|      2013|      null|      null|  68847.75|  97031.17|  165878.92|
only showing top 20 rows

Revalidate above calculation with a specific year=’2013’ and category=’Fishing’:

# filter out item sales for Fishing in 2013
        """SELECT c.category_name, YEAR(o.order_date) as order_year, concat('Q', QUARTER(o.order_date)) as order_quarter, ROUND(SUM(oi.order_item_subtotal), 2) as order_total 
          |FROM orders o 
          |INNER JOIN order_items oi on order_item_order_id = o.order_id
          |INNER JOIN products p on oi.order_item_product_id = p.product_id 
          |INNER JOIN categories c on p.product_category_id = c.category_id
          |WHERE o.order_status <> 'CANCELED' AND o.order_status <> 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'
          |AND YEAR(o.order_date) = 2013
          |AND c.category_name = 'Fishing'
          |GROUP BY c.category_name, order_year, order_quarter
          |ORDER BY order_year, order_quarter, order_total DESC
|      Fishing|      2013|           Q3| 1248337.61|
|      Fishing|      2013|           Q4| 1705514.77|

There are only two quarters Q3 and Q4 for Fishing in 2013 and the sum of the sales is 1248337.61 + 1705514.77 = 2953852.38

# filter out pivot data for Fishing in 2013
rev_cat_qt_pivot_df.filter(col('order_year') == 2013).filter(col('category_name') == 'Fishing').show()
|category_name|order_year|  Q1|  Q2|        Q3|        Q4|total_sales|
|      Fishing|      2013|null|null|1248337.61|1705514.77| 2953852.38|

From the pivot table we can verify that Q1 and Q2 had no sale and the sum of total sales in quarters Q3 and Q4 for Fishing in 2013 2953852.38 Hence, we can verify that our pivot function is working fine.

Visualise the quarter wise sales for 2013 and 2014 across various categories in different quarters:

rev_cat_qt_pivot_pdf = rev_cat_qt_pivot_df.filter(col('order_year') == 2013).cache().toPandas()
category_name order_year Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 total_sales
0 Fishing 2013 None None 1248337.61 1705514.77 2953852.38
1 Cleats 2013 None None 806026.14 1059543.73 1865569.87
2 Camping & Hiking 2013 None None 745750.31 1010332.68 1756082.99
3 Cardio Equipment 2013 None None 686091.93 894921.15 1581013.08
4 Women's Apparel 2013 None None 564200.00 766250.00 1330450.00
rev_cat_qt_pivot_pdf.drop(['order_year', 'total_sales'], axis=1)'category_name', stacked=True, title='Revenue for each Category Per Quarter in 2013');


rev_cat_qt_pivot_pdf = rev_cat_qt_pivot_df.filter(col('order_year') == 2014).cache().toPandas()
rev_cat_qt_pivot_pdf.drop(['order_year', 'total_sales'], axis=1)'category_name', stacked=True, title='Revenue for each Category Per Quarter in 2014');


DataFrame[category_name: string, order_year: int, order_quarter: string, order_item_subtotal: float]

DataFrame[category_name: string, order_year: int, Q1: double, Q2: double, Q3: double, Q4: double, total_sales: double]

Back to Top

4.11 Get Number of Orders By Status:


        """SELECT order_status, COUNT(1) as total
          |FROM orders o
          |GROUP BY o.order_status
|   order_status|total|
|       COMPLETE|22899|
|        ON_HOLD| 3798|
|     PROCESSING| 8275|
|         CLOSED| 7556|
|        PENDING| 7610|
|       CANCELED| 1428|


df = orders_df.groupBy(orders_df.order_status).count().withColumnRenamed('count', 'total')
DataFrame[order_status: string, total: bigint]
|   order_status|total|
|       COMPLETE|22899|
|        ON_HOLD| 3798|
|     PROCESSING| 8275|
|         CLOSED| 7556|
|        PENDING| 7610|
|       CANCELED| 1428|

pdf = df.toPandas()
g = sns.barplot(x='order_status', y='total', data=pdf)
g.set_title('Number of Orders By Status');


DataFrame[order_status: string, total: bigint]

Back to Top

4.12 Get Number of Orders By Order Date and Order Status:


        """SELECT order_date, order_status, COUNT(1) as total
          |FROM orders o
          |GROUP BY order_date, o.order_status
|order_date           |order_status   |total|
|2013-08-16 00:00:00.0|COMPLETE       |43   |
|2013-08-30 00:00:00.0|CLOSED         |17   |
|2013-09-10 00:00:00.0|COMPLETE       |80   |
|2013-10-05 00:00:00.0|SUSPECTED_FRAUD|4    |
|2013-12-02 00:00:00.0|SUSPECTED_FRAUD|3    |
|2013-12-09 00:00:00.0|ON_HOLD        |9    |
|2013-12-20 00:00:00.0|SUSPECTED_FRAUD|3    |
|2013-12-23 00:00:00.0|PAYMENT_REVIEW |2    |
|2014-01-02 00:00:00.0|CLOSED         |15   |
|2014-02-11 00:00:00.0|CANCELED       |3    |
|2014-02-14 00:00:00.0|ON_HOLD        |11   |
|2014-02-21 00:00:00.0|PROCESSING     |25   |
|2014-05-13 00:00:00.0|SUSPECTED_FRAUD|3    |
|2014-06-27 00:00:00.0|PENDING        |26   |
|2014-07-16 00:00:00.0|ON_HOLD        |3    |
|2013-08-16 00:00:00.0|PENDING_PAYMENT|30   |
|2013-08-29 00:00:00.0|PROCESSING     |31   |
|2013-09-10 00:00:00.0|SUSPECTED_FRAUD|3    |
|2013-09-25 00:00:00.0|CLOSED         |28   |
|2013-09-27 00:00:00.0|PENDING_PAYMENT|56   |
only showing top 20 rows


 .groupBy([orders_df.order_date, orders_df.order_status])
 .count().withColumnRenamed('count', 'total')
|order_date           |order_status   |total|
|2013-08-16 00:00:00.0|COMPLETE       |43   |
|2013-08-30 00:00:00.0|CLOSED         |17   |
|2013-09-10 00:00:00.0|COMPLETE       |80   |
|2013-10-05 00:00:00.0|SUSPECTED_FRAUD|4    |
|2013-12-02 00:00:00.0|SUSPECTED_FRAUD|3    |
|2013-12-09 00:00:00.0|ON_HOLD        |9    |
|2013-12-20 00:00:00.0|SUSPECTED_FRAUD|3    |
|2013-12-23 00:00:00.0|PAYMENT_REVIEW |2    |
|2014-01-02 00:00:00.0|CLOSED         |15   |
|2014-02-11 00:00:00.0|CANCELED       |3    |
|2014-02-14 00:00:00.0|ON_HOLD        |11   |
|2014-02-21 00:00:00.0|PROCESSING     |25   |
|2014-05-13 00:00:00.0|SUSPECTED_FRAUD|3    |
|2014-06-27 00:00:00.0|PENDING        |26   |
|2014-07-16 00:00:00.0|ON_HOLD        |3    |
|2013-08-16 00:00:00.0|PENDING_PAYMENT|30   |
|2013-08-29 00:00:00.0|PROCESSING     |31   |
|2013-09-10 00:00:00.0|SUSPECTED_FRAUD|3    |
|2013-09-25 00:00:00.0|CLOSED         |28   |
|2013-09-27 00:00:00.0|PENDING_PAYMENT|56   |
only showing top 20 rows

Back to Top

4.13 Get all CANCELED orders with amount greater than $1000:


    """SELECT q.* 
      |FROM (SELECT o.order_id, o.order_date, o.order_customer_id, o.order_status, SUM(oi.order_item_subtotal) as order_total 
      |      FROM orders o INNER JOIN order_items oi 
      |          ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id 
      |      WHERE o.order_status = 'CANCELED' 
      |      GROUP BY o.order_id, o.order_date, o.order_customer_id, o.order_status) q 
      |WHERE q.order_total >= 1000 
      |ORDER BY q.order_id
|order_id|order_date           |order_customer_id|order_status|order_total       |
|753     |2013-07-29 00:00:00.0|5094             |CANCELED    |1129.75           |
|2012    |2013-08-04 00:00:00.0|5165             |CANCELED    |1499.8600311279297|
|2144    |2013-08-05 00:00:00.0|7932             |CANCELED    |1099.900032043457 |
|2189    |2013-08-06 00:00:00.0|6829             |CANCELED    |1029.9400253295898|
|2271    |2013-08-06 00:00:00.0|7603             |CANCELED    |1229.9300231933594|
|2754    |2013-08-09 00:00:00.0|8946             |CANCELED    |1109.9500274658203|
|3551    |2013-08-14 00:00:00.0|5363             |CANCELED    |1299.8700408935547|
|4354    |2013-08-20 00:00:00.0|7268             |CANCELED    |1047.9000244140625|
|4801    |2013-08-23 00:00:00.0|11630            |CANCELED    |1016.9500217437744|
|5331    |2013-08-26 00:00:00.0|3361             |CANCELED    |1229.8100204467773|
|5613    |2013-08-28 00:00:00.0|7052             |CANCELED    |1049.8700103759766|
|6180    |2013-09-02 00:00:00.0|8688             |CANCELED    |1059.8800354003906|
|6231    |2013-09-02 00:00:00.0|12347            |CANCELED    |1279.8900299072266|
|6548    |2013-09-04 00:00:00.0|172              |CANCELED    |1069.910026550293 |
|6819    |2013-09-06 00:00:00.0|1548             |CANCELED    |1149.8500366210938|
|7053    |2013-09-07 00:00:00.0|10424            |CANCELED    |1339.8500213623047|
|7360    |2013-09-08 00:00:00.0|12102            |CANCELED    |1009.9200286865234|
|7491    |2013-09-09 00:00:00.0|6892             |CANCELED    |1249.8500213623047|
|8433    |2013-09-15 00:00:00.0|6568             |CANCELED    |1329.9200439453125|
|8488    |2013-09-16 00:00:00.0|9154             |CANCELED    |1079.8900108337402|
only showing top 20 rows


cancelled_orders = (orders_df
                 .filter(col('order_status') == 'CANCELED')
                 .join(order_items_df, orders_df.order_id == order_items_df.order_item_order_id)
                 .groupBy(orders_df.order_id, orders_df.order_date, orders_df.order_customer_id, orders_df.order_status)
                 .filter(col('order_total') >= 1000)

DataFrame[order_id: int, order_date: string, order_customer_id: int, order_status: string, order_total: double]
|order_id|order_date           |order_customer_id|order_status|order_total       |
|753     |2013-07-29 00:00:00.0|5094             |CANCELED    |1129.75           |
|2012    |2013-08-04 00:00:00.0|5165             |CANCELED    |1499.8600311279297|
|2144    |2013-08-05 00:00:00.0|7932             |CANCELED    |1099.900032043457 |
|2189    |2013-08-06 00:00:00.0|6829             |CANCELED    |1029.9400253295898|
|2271    |2013-08-06 00:00:00.0|7603             |CANCELED    |1229.9300231933594|
|2754    |2013-08-09 00:00:00.0|8946             |CANCELED    |1109.9500274658203|
|3551    |2013-08-14 00:00:00.0|5363             |CANCELED    |1299.8700408935547|
|4354    |2013-08-20 00:00:00.0|7268             |CANCELED    |1047.9000244140625|
|4801    |2013-08-23 00:00:00.0|11630            |CANCELED    |1016.9500217437744|
|5331    |2013-08-26 00:00:00.0|3361             |CANCELED    |1229.8100204467773|
|5613    |2013-08-28 00:00:00.0|7052             |CANCELED    |1049.8700103759766|
|6180    |2013-09-02 00:00:00.0|8688             |CANCELED    |1059.8800354003906|
|6231    |2013-09-02 00:00:00.0|12347            |CANCELED    |1279.8900299072266|
|6548    |2013-09-04 00:00:00.0|172              |CANCELED    |1069.910026550293 |
|6819    |2013-09-06 00:00:00.0|1548             |CANCELED    |1149.8500366210938|
|7053    |2013-09-07 00:00:00.0|10424            |CANCELED    |1339.8500213623047|
|7360    |2013-09-08 00:00:00.0|12102            |CANCELED    |1009.9200286865234|
|7491    |2013-09-09 00:00:00.0|6892             |CANCELED    |1249.8500213623047|
|8433    |2013-09-15 00:00:00.0|6568             |CANCELED    |1329.9200439453125|
|8488    |2013-09-16 00:00:00.0|9154             |CANCELED    |1079.8900108337402|
only showing top 20 rows

ax = cancelled_orders.toPandas().plot.hist(y='order_total', title='CANCELED orders with amount greater than $1000')
ax.set(xlabel='Amount', ylabel='Count');


DataFrame[order_id: int, order_date: string, order_customer_id: int, order_status: string, order_total: double]

Back to Top

4.14 Sort Products by Category and Price:


        """SELECT p.product_id, p.product_category_id, p.product_name, p.product_price
          |FROM products p
          |ORDER BY p.product_category_id ASC, p.product_price DESC
|product_id|product_category_id|product_name                                 |product_price|
|16        |2                  |Riddell Youth 360 Custom Football Helmet     |299.99       |
|11        |2                  |Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set       |209.99       |
|5         |2                  |Riddell Youth Revolution Speed Custom Footbal|199.99       |
|14        |2                  |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop|199.99       |
|12        |2                  |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Fla|139.99       |
|23        |2                  |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Hul|139.99       |
|6         |2                  |Jordan Men's VI Retro TD Football Cleat      |134.99       |
|20        |2                  |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Football Clea|129.99       |
|8         |2                  |Nike Men's Vapor Carbon Elite TD Football Cle|129.99       |
|17        |2                  |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Football Clea|129.99       |
|2         |2                  |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Football Clea|129.99       |
|10        |2                  |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Football Clea|129.99       |
|19        |2                  |Nike Men's Fingertrap Max Training Shoe      |124.99       |
|7         |2                  |Schutt Youth Recruit Hybrid Custom Football H|99.99        |
|3         |2                  |Under Armour Men's Renegade D Mid Football Cl|89.99        |
|4         |2                  |Under Armour Men's Renegade D Mid Football Cl|89.99        |
|13        |2                  |Under Armour Men's Renegade D Mid Football Cl|89.99        |
|24        |2                  |Elevation Training Mask 2.0                  |79.99        |
|15        |2                  |Under Armour Kids' Highlight RM Alter Ego Sup|59.99        |
|1         |2                  |Quest Q64 10 FT. x 10 FT. Slant Leg Instant U|59.98        |
only showing top 20 rows


 .select(['product_id', 'product_category_id', 'product_name', 'product_price'])
 .orderBy(['product_category_id', 'product_price'], ascending=[1,0])
|product_id|product_category_id|product_name                                 |product_price|
|16        |2                  |Riddell Youth 360 Custom Football Helmet     |299.99       |
|11        |2                  |Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set       |209.99       |
|5         |2                  |Riddell Youth Revolution Speed Custom Footbal|199.99       |
|14        |2                  |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop|199.99       |
|12        |2                  |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Fla|139.99       |
|23        |2                  |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Hul|139.99       |
|6         |2                  |Jordan Men's VI Retro TD Football Cleat      |134.99       |
|20        |2                  |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Football Clea|129.99       |
|8         |2                  |Nike Men's Vapor Carbon Elite TD Football Cle|129.99       |
|17        |2                  |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Football Clea|129.99       |
|2         |2                  |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Football Clea|129.99       |
|10        |2                  |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Football Clea|129.99       |
|19        |2                  |Nike Men's Fingertrap Max Training Shoe      |124.99       |
|7         |2                  |Schutt Youth Recruit Hybrid Custom Football H|99.99        |
|3         |2                  |Under Armour Men's Renegade D Mid Football Cl|89.99        |
|4         |2                  |Under Armour Men's Renegade D Mid Football Cl|89.99        |
|13        |2                  |Under Armour Men's Renegade D Mid Football Cl|89.99        |
|24        |2                  |Elevation Training Mask 2.0                  |79.99        |
|15        |2                  |Under Armour Kids' Highlight RM Alter Ego Sup|59.99        |
|1         |2                  |Quest Q64 10 FT. x 10 FT. Slant Leg Instant U|59.98        |
only showing top 20 rows

Back to Top

4.15 Sort Products by Price within Each Category:


        """SELECT p.product_id, p.product_category_id, p.product_name, p.product_price
          |FROM products p 
          |DISTRIBUTE BY p.product_category_id 
          |SORT BY p.product_price DESC
        """)).sample(withReplacement=False, fraction=0.1, seed=23).show(truncate=False)
|product_id|product_category_id|product_name                                  |product_price|
|681       |31                 |Boccieri Golf EL C2-M Counterbalance Putter   |119.99       |
|1192      |53                 |Nike Men's Kobe IX Elite Low Basketball Shoe  |199.99       |
|747       |34                 |Ogio City Spiked Golf Shoes                   |149.99       |
|758       |34                 |TRUE linkswear Vegas Golf Shoes               |99.99        |
|595       |27                 |TYR Girls' Phoenix Maxfit Back Swimsuit       |75.99        |
|549       |26                 |Lotto Men's Zhero Gravity V 700 TF Soccer Cle |59.99        |
|551       |26                 |Lotto Men's Zhero Gravity V 700 TF Soccer Cle |59.99        |
|572       |26                 |TYR Boys' Team Digi Jammer                    |39.99        |
|561       |26                 |adidas Men's 2014 MLS All-Star Game Lumber Hu |22.0         |
|554       |26                 |adidas Men's 2014 MLS All-Star Game Cross Bla |20.0         |
|974       |44                 |The North Face Women's Stinson Rain Jacket    |90.0         |
|246       |12                 |Nike Women's Tempo Shorts                     |30.0         |
|484       |22                 |Nike Men's Free 5.0+ Running Shoe             |99.99        |
|483       |22                 |Nike Women's Tempo Shorts                     |30.0         |
|485       |22                 |"Nike Women's Pro Core 3"" Compression Shorts"|28.0         |
|1056      |47                 |Garmin vivofit Fitness Band with HRM          |169.99       |
|1042      |47                 |Under Armour Hustle Backpack                  |54.99        |
|1047      |47                 |Under Armour Men's Ignite Camo II Slide       |34.99        |
|1157      |52                 |Reebok Men's Chicago Blackhawks Jonathan Toew |170.0        |
|1160      |52                 |Reebok Women's Chicago Blackhawks Patrick Kan |130.0        |
only showing top 20 rows


 .sortWithinPartitions('product_price', ascending=0)
 .sample(withReplacement=False, fraction=0.1, seed=23)
 .select(['product_id', 'product_category_id', 'product_name', 'product_price'])
|product_id|product_category_id|product_name                                  |product_price|
|681       |31                 |Boccieri Golf EL C2-M Counterbalance Putter   |119.99       |
|1192      |53                 |Nike Men's Kobe IX Elite Low Basketball Shoe  |199.99       |
|747       |34                 |Ogio City Spiked Golf Shoes                   |149.99       |
|758       |34                 |TRUE linkswear Vegas Golf Shoes               |99.99        |
|595       |27                 |TYR Girls' Phoenix Maxfit Back Swimsuit       |75.99        |
|549       |26                 |Lotto Men's Zhero Gravity V 700 TF Soccer Cle |59.99        |
|551       |26                 |Lotto Men's Zhero Gravity V 700 TF Soccer Cle |59.99        |
|572       |26                 |TYR Boys' Team Digi Jammer                    |39.99        |
|561       |26                 |adidas Men's 2014 MLS All-Star Game Lumber Hu |22.0         |
|554       |26                 |adidas Men's 2014 MLS All-Star Game Cross Bla |20.0         |
|974       |44                 |The North Face Women's Stinson Rain Jacket    |90.0         |
|246       |12                 |Nike Women's Tempo Shorts                     |30.0         |
|484       |22                 |Nike Men's Free 5.0+ Running Shoe             |99.99        |
|483       |22                 |Nike Women's Tempo Shorts                     |30.0         |
|485       |22                 |"Nike Women's Pro Core 3"" Compression Shorts"|28.0         |
|1056      |47                 |Garmin vivofit Fitness Band with HRM          |169.99       |
|1042      |47                 |Under Armour Hustle Backpack                  |54.99        |
|1047      |47                 |Under Armour Men's Ignite Camo II Slide       |34.99        |
|1157      |52                 |Reebok Men's Chicago Blackhawks Jonathan Toew |170.0        |
|1160      |52                 |Reebok Women's Chicago Blackhawks Patrick Kan |130.0        |
only showing top 20 rows

Back to Top

4.16 Get the topmost 5 products overall sorted by Price Highest to Lowest:

sortN: get top 5 products by price overall; globalSorting


        """SELECT product_id, product_category_id, product_name, product_price
          |FROM products
          |ORDER BY product_price DESC
          |LIMIT 5
|product_id|product_category_id|product_name                                    |product_price|
|208       |10                 |SOLE E35 Elliptical                             |1999.99      |
|66        |4                  |SOLE F85 Treadmill                              |1799.99      |
|199       |10                 |SOLE F85 Treadmill                              |1799.99      |
|496       |22                 |SOLE F85 Treadmill                              |1799.99      |
|1048      |47                 |"Spalding Beast 60"" Glass Portable Basketball "|1099.99      |


    .select('product_id', 'product_category_id', 'product_name', 'product_price')
     .orderBy('product_price', ascending=0)
|product_id|product_category_id|product_name                                    |product_price|
|208       |10                 |SOLE E35 Elliptical                             |1999.99      |
|66        |4                  |SOLE F85 Treadmill                              |1799.99      |
|199       |10                 |SOLE F85 Treadmill                              |1799.99      |
|496       |22                 |SOLE F85 Treadmill                              |1799.99      |
|1048      |47                 |"Spalding Beast 60"" Glass Portable Basketball "|1099.99      |

Back to Top

4.17 Get the topmost 5 products in each category where the products are sorted by Price Highest to Lowest:

sort: sortingByKey, sort() by price per category


        """SELECT product_category_id, product_id, product_name, product_price, row_num
          |FROM ( 
          |     SELECT q.*, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY q.product_category_id ORDER BY q.product_price DESC) as row_num 
          |     FROM products q)
          |WHERE row_num <= 5 
          |ORDER BY product_category_id, row_num
|product_category_id|product_id|product_name                                    |product_price|row_num|
|2                  |16        |Riddell Youth 360 Custom Football Helmet        |299.99       |1      |
|2                  |11        |Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set          |209.99       |2      |
|2                  |5         |Riddell Youth Revolution Speed Custom Footbal   |199.99       |3      |
|2                  |14        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |4      |
|2                  |12        |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Fla   |139.99       |5      |
|3                  |40        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |1      |
|3                  |32        |PUMA Men's evoPOWER 1 Tricks FG Soccer Cleat    |189.99       |2      |
|3                  |35        |adidas Brazuca 2014 Official Match Ball         |159.99       |3      |
|3                  |48        |adidas Brazuca Final Rio Official Match Ball    |159.99       |4      |
|3                  |46        |Quest 12' x 12' Dome Canopy                     |149.99       |5      |
|4                  |66        |SOLE F85 Treadmill                              |1799.99      |1      |
|4                  |60        |SOLE E25 Elliptical                             |999.99       |2      |
|4                  |71        |Diamondback Adult Response XE Mountain Bike 2   |349.98       |3      |
|4                  |68        |Diamondback Adult Outlook Mountain Bike 2014    |309.99       |4      |
|4                  |58        |Diamondback Boys' Insight 24 Performance Hybr   |299.99       |5      |
|5                  |74        |"Goaliath 54"" In-Ground Basketball Hoop with P"|499.99       |1      |
|5                  |96        |Teeter Hang Ups NXT-S Inversion Table           |299.99       |2      |
|5                  |79        |Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set          |209.99       |3      |
|5                  |81        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |4      |
|5                  |90        |Nike Men's LeBron XI Basketball Shoe            |199.99       |5      |
only showing top 20 rows


windowSpec = Window.partitionBy(products_df['product_category_id']).orderBy(products_df['product_price'].desc())
    .select('product_category_id', 'product_id', 'product_name', 'product_price', F.row_number().over(windowSpec).alias('row_num'))
    .filter(col('row_num') <= 5)
    .orderBy('product_category_id', 'row_num')
|product_category_id|product_id|product_name                                    |product_price|row_num|
|2                  |16        |Riddell Youth 360 Custom Football Helmet        |299.99       |1      |
|2                  |11        |Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set          |209.99       |2      |
|2                  |5         |Riddell Youth Revolution Speed Custom Footbal   |199.99       |3      |
|2                  |14        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |4      |
|2                  |12        |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Fla   |139.99       |5      |
|3                  |40        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |1      |
|3                  |32        |PUMA Men's evoPOWER 1 Tricks FG Soccer Cleat    |189.99       |2      |
|3                  |35        |adidas Brazuca 2014 Official Match Ball         |159.99       |3      |
|3                  |48        |adidas Brazuca Final Rio Official Match Ball    |159.99       |4      |
|3                  |46        |Quest 12' x 12' Dome Canopy                     |149.99       |5      |
|4                  |66        |SOLE F85 Treadmill                              |1799.99      |1      |
|4                  |60        |SOLE E25 Elliptical                             |999.99       |2      |
|4                  |71        |Diamondback Adult Response XE Mountain Bike 2   |349.98       |3      |
|4                  |68        |Diamondback Adult Outlook Mountain Bike 2014    |309.99       |4      |
|4                  |58        |Diamondback Boys' Insight 24 Performance Hybr   |299.99       |5      |
|5                  |74        |"Goaliath 54"" In-Ground Basketball Hoop with P"|499.99       |1      |
|5                  |96        |Teeter Hang Ups NXT-S Inversion Table           |299.99       |2      |
|5                  |79        |Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set          |209.99       |3      |
|5                  |81        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |4      |
|5                  |90        |Nike Men's LeBron XI Basketball Shoe            |199.99       |5      |
only showing top 20 rows

Back to Top


RANK gives us the ranking within our ordered partition. Ties are assigned the same rank, with the next ranking(s) skipped. So, if we have 3 items at rank 2, the next rank listed would be ranked 5.

DENSE_RANK again gives us the ranking within our ordered partition, but the ranks are consecutive. No ranks are skipped if there are ranks with multiple items.

The Following 3 examples plays with the rank(), dense_rank() and row_number() functions.

4.18 Get topN products by price in each category:

topN: For each product category get the top 5 records. i.e. top 5 ranked products in each category (some of the products may have same price so the top 5 products will all be distinct products but their prices may not be distinct 5. So, the number of distinct prices <= 5 in the top5 but the count distinct products may be >= 5. top 5 ranked products does not necessary mean there will be exactly 5 products may be less or more too.


        """SELECT product_category_id, product_id, product_name, product_price, rank
          |FROM ( 
          |     SELECT q.*, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY q.product_category_id ORDER BY q.product_price DESC) as rank 
          |     FROM products q)
          |WHERE rank <= 5 
          |ORDER BY product_category_id, rank
|product_category_id|product_id|product_name                                    |product_price|rank|
|2                  |16        |Riddell Youth 360 Custom Football Helmet        |299.99       |1   |
|2                  |11        |Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set          |209.99       |2   |
|2                  |5         |Riddell Youth Revolution Speed Custom Footbal   |199.99       |3   |
|2                  |14        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |3   |
|2                  |12        |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Fla   |139.99       |5   |
|2                  |23        |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Hul   |139.99       |5   |
|3                  |40        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |1   |
|3                  |32        |PUMA Men's evoPOWER 1 Tricks FG Soccer Cleat    |189.99       |2   |
|3                  |48        |adidas Brazuca Final Rio Official Match Ball    |159.99       |3   |
|3                  |35        |adidas Brazuca 2014 Official Match Ball         |159.99       |3   |
|3                  |46        |Quest 12' x 12' Dome Canopy                     |149.99       |5   |
|4                  |66        |SOLE F85 Treadmill                              |1799.99      |1   |
|4                  |60        |SOLE E25 Elliptical                             |999.99       |2   |
|4                  |71        |Diamondback Adult Response XE Mountain Bike 2   |349.98       |3   |
|4                  |68        |Diamondback Adult Outlook Mountain Bike 2014    |309.99       |4   |
|4                  |61        |Diamondback Girls' Clarity 24 Hybrid Bike 201   |299.99       |5   |
|4                  |58        |Diamondback Boys' Insight 24 Performance Hybr   |299.99       |5   |
|5                  |74        |"Goaliath 54"" In-Ground Basketball Hoop with P"|499.99       |1   |
|5                  |96        |Teeter Hang Ups NXT-S Inversion Table           |299.99       |2   |
|5                  |79        |Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set          |209.99       |3   |
only showing top 20 rows


windowSpec = Window.partitionBy(products_df['product_category_id']).orderBy(products_df['product_price'].desc())
top_five_per_ctg = (products_df
    .select('product_category_id', 'product_id', 'product_name', 'product_price', F.rank().over(windowSpec).alias('rank'))
    .filter(col('rank') <= 5)
    .orderBy('product_category_id', 'rank'))
DataFrame[product_category_id: int, product_id: int, product_name: string, product_price: float, rank: int]
|product_category_id|product_id|product_name                                    |product_price|rank|
|2                  |16        |Riddell Youth 360 Custom Football Helmet        |299.99       |1   |
|2                  |11        |Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set          |209.99       |2   |
|2                  |5         |Riddell Youth Revolution Speed Custom Footbal   |199.99       |3   |
|2                  |14        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |3   |
|2                  |12        |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Fla   |139.99       |5   |
|2                  |23        |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Hul   |139.99       |5   |
|3                  |40        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |1   |
|3                  |32        |PUMA Men's evoPOWER 1 Tricks FG Soccer Cleat    |189.99       |2   |
|3                  |35        |adidas Brazuca 2014 Official Match Ball         |159.99       |3   |
|3                  |48        |adidas Brazuca Final Rio Official Match Ball    |159.99       |3   |
|3                  |46        |Quest 12' x 12' Dome Canopy                     |149.99       |5   |
|4                  |66        |SOLE F85 Treadmill                              |1799.99      |1   |
|4                  |60        |SOLE E25 Elliptical                             |999.99       |2   |
|4                  |71        |Diamondback Adult Response XE Mountain Bike 2   |349.98       |3   |
|4                  |68        |Diamondback Adult Outlook Mountain Bike 2014    |309.99       |4   |
|4                  |58        |Diamondback Boys' Insight 24 Performance Hybr   |299.99       |5   |
|4                  |61        |Diamondback Girls' Clarity 24 Hybrid Bike 201   |299.99       |5   |
|5                  |74        |"Goaliath 54"" In-Ground Basketball Hoop with P"|499.99       |1   |
|5                  |96        |Teeter Hang Ups NXT-S Inversion Table           |299.99       |2   |
|5                  |79        |Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set          |209.99       |3   |
only showing top 20 rows

#pdf = (top_five_per_ctg
#       .select('product_category_id').limit(25).distinct()
#       .join(top_five_per_ctg, on='product_category_id', how='inner')
#       .orderBy('product_category_id', 'rank')).toPandas()
#g = (sns.factorplot(x="product_category_id", y="product_price", hue="product_name", data=pdf, kind="bar", size=20, 
#        aspect=.7, legend=False));
#sns.barplot(x='product_category_id', y='product_price', hue='product_id', data=pdf)
DataFrame[product_category_id: int, product_id: int, product_name: string, product_price: float, rank: int]

Back to Top

4.19 Get ‘topN priced’ products in each category:

topDenseN: For each category get top 5 priced products i.e. if there are 10 products with distinct top 5 prices, the DF should give us all 10 products, so all the products will be distinct as well as we will get 5 different distinct prices too among them.


        """SELECT product_category_id, product_id, product_name, product_price, dense_rank
          |FROM ( 
          |     SELECT q.*, dense_rank() OVER (PARTITION BY q.product_category_id ORDER BY q.product_price DESC) as dense_rank 
          |     FROM products q)
          |WHERE dense_rank <= 5 
          |ORDER BY product_category_id, dense_rank
|product_category_id|product_id|product_name                                    |product_price|dense_rank|
|2                  |16        |Riddell Youth 360 Custom Football Helmet        |299.99       |1         |
|2                  |11        |Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set          |209.99       |2         |
|2                  |5         |Riddell Youth Revolution Speed Custom Footbal   |199.99       |3         |
|2                  |14        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |3         |
|2                  |12        |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Fla   |139.99       |4         |
|2                  |23        |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Hul   |139.99       |4         |
|2                  |6         |Jordan Men's VI Retro TD Football Cleat         |134.99       |5         |
|3                  |40        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |1         |
|3                  |32        |PUMA Men's evoPOWER 1 Tricks FG Soccer Cleat    |189.99       |2         |
|3                  |35        |adidas Brazuca 2014 Official Match Ball         |159.99       |3         |
|3                  |48        |adidas Brazuca Final Rio Official Match Ball    |159.99       |3         |
|3                  |46        |Quest 12' x 12' Dome Canopy                     |149.99       |4         |
|3                  |31        |Nike+ Fuelband SE                               |99.0         |5         |
|4                  |66        |SOLE F85 Treadmill                              |1799.99      |1         |
|4                  |60        |SOLE E25 Elliptical                             |999.99       |2         |
|4                  |71        |Diamondback Adult Response XE Mountain Bike 2   |349.98       |3         |
|4                  |68        |Diamondback Adult Outlook Mountain Bike 2014    |309.99       |4         |
|4                  |58        |Diamondback Boys' Insight 24 Performance Hybr   |299.99       |5         |
|4                  |61        |Diamondback Girls' Clarity 24 Hybrid Bike 201   |299.99       |5         |
|5                  |74        |"Goaliath 54"" In-Ground Basketball Hoop with P"|499.99       |1         |
only showing top 20 rows


windowSpec = Window.partitionBy(products_df['product_category_id']).orderBy(products_df['product_price'].desc())
    .select('product_category_id', 'product_id', 'product_name', 'product_price', F.dense_rank().over(windowSpec).alias('dense_rank'))
    .filter(col('dense_rank') <= 5)
    .orderBy('product_category_id', 'dense_rank')
|product_category_id|product_id|product_name                                    |product_price|dense_rank|
|2                  |16        |Riddell Youth 360 Custom Football Helmet        |299.99       |1         |
|2                  |11        |Fitness Gear 300 lb Olympic Weight Set          |209.99       |2         |
|2                  |14        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |3         |
|2                  |5         |Riddell Youth Revolution Speed Custom Footbal   |199.99       |3         |
|2                  |12        |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Fla   |139.99       |4         |
|2                  |23        |Under Armour Men's Highlight MC Alter Ego Hul   |139.99       |4         |
|2                  |6         |Jordan Men's VI Retro TD Football Cleat         |134.99       |5         |
|3                  |40        |Quik Shade Summit SX170 10 FT. x 10 FT. Canop   |199.99       |1         |
|3                  |32        |PUMA Men's evoPOWER 1 Tricks FG Soccer Cleat    |189.99       |2         |
|3                  |35        |adidas Brazuca 2014 Official Match Ball         |159.99       |3         |
|3                  |48        |adidas Brazuca Final Rio Official Match Ball    |159.99       |3         |
|3                  |46        |Quest 12' x 12' Dome Canopy                     |149.99       |4         |
|3                  |31        |Nike+ Fuelband SE                               |99.0         |5         |
|4                  |66        |SOLE F85 Treadmill                              |1799.99      |1         |
|4                  |60        |SOLE E25 Elliptical                             |999.99       |2         |
|4                  |71        |Diamondback Adult Response XE Mountain Bike 2   |349.98       |3         |
|4                  |68        |Diamondback Adult Outlook Mountain Bike 2014    |309.99       |4         |
|4                  |61        |Diamondback Girls' Clarity 24 Hybrid Bike 201   |299.99       |5         |
|4                  |58        |Diamondback Boys' Insight 24 Performance Hybr   |299.99       |5         |
|5                  |74        |"Goaliath 54"" In-Ground Basketball Hoop with P"|499.99       |1         |
only showing top 20 rows

Back to Top

4.20 Get the Customer Id with max revenue on Daily basis:


# 1. Join orders and order_items and group by order_date and customer_id to calculate the revenue per customer per day
# 2. Sort the above using rank() function to get the maximum revenue per day
# 3. Select only rows with rank = 1, that will give the customer_id with max revenue
# 4. Join with customers table to get the customer details
        """SELECT a. order_date, a.order_customer_id, concat_ws(' ', c.customer_fname, c.customer_lname) as customer_name, a.order_total
          |FROM ( 
          |     SELECT *, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY b.order_date ORDER BY b.order_total DESC) as rank 
          |     FROM ( 
          |          SELECT o.order_date, o.order_customer_id, round(sum(oi.order_item_subtotal), 2) as order_total 
          |          FROM orders o INNER JOIN order_items oi 
          |              ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id  
          |          WHERE o.order_status <> 'CANCELED' AND o.order_status <> 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD' 
          |          GROUP BY o.order_date, o.order_customer_id) b 
          |     ) a INNER JOIN customers c
          |           ON a.order_customer_id = c.customer_id
          |WHERE rank = 1 
          |ORDER BY order_date
|order_date           |order_customer_id|customer_name   |order_total|
|2013-07-25 00:00:00.0|11941            |Jeffrey Pugh    |1649.8     |
|2013-07-26 00:00:00.0|32               |Alice Smith     |2009.75    |
|2013-07-27 00:00:00.0|11491            |David Smith     |1379.88    |
|2013-07-28 00:00:00.0|5738             |Mildred Taylor  |1499.87    |
|2013-07-29 00:00:00.0|5182             |Thomas Morgan   |1389.86    |
|2013-07-29 00:00:00.0|2632             |John Smith      |1389.86    |
|2013-07-30 00:00:00.0|10029            |Mary Silva      |1529.92    |
|2013-07-31 00:00:00.0|1175             |Mary Gray       |1699.91    |
|2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|9151             |Aaron Smith     |1709.82    |
|2013-08-02 00:00:00.0|5548             |Michael Crawford|1594.92    |
|2013-08-03 00:00:00.0|9572             |Mary Nelson     |1569.79    |
|2013-08-04 00:00:00.0|2290             |Joe Wright      |1589.86    |
|2013-08-05 00:00:00.0|3938             |Mary Smith      |1419.88    |
|2013-08-06 00:00:00.0|2019             |Pamela Smith    |1529.91    |
|2013-08-07 00:00:00.0|2556             |Samuel Hammond  |1429.87    |
|2013-08-08 00:00:00.0|4960             |Mary Smith      |1359.78    |
|2013-08-09 00:00:00.0|11662            |Mary Smith      |1579.93    |
|2013-08-10 00:00:00.0|11806            |Mildred Hester  |1699.9     |
|2013-08-11 00:00:00.0|7270             |Mary Smith      |1659.86    |
|2013-08-12 00:00:00.0|7565             |Jean Donovan    |1659.86    |
only showing top 20 rows


rev_per_day_per_cust = (orders_df
                         .select('order_date', 'order_id', 'order_customer_id', 'order_status')
                         .where((col('order_status') != 'CANCELED') & (col('order_status') != 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'))
                         .join(order_items_df, orders_df.order_id == order_items_df.order_item_order_id)
                         .select(['order_date', 'order_customer_id', 'order_item_subtotal'])
                         .groupBy(['order_date', 'order_customer_id'])
                         .agg(F.round(F.sum('order_item_subtotal'), 2).alias('order_total')))

DataFrame[order_date: string, order_customer_id: int, order_total: double], truncate=False)
|order_date           |order_customer_id|order_total|
|2013-07-26 00:00:00.0|7710             |1199.82    |
|2013-07-27 00:00:00.0|1180             |1129.94    |
|2013-07-30 00:00:00.0|5511             |319.97     |
|2013-07-31 00:00:00.0|12018            |347.94     |
|2013-08-03 00:00:00.0|6698             |709.94     |
only showing top 5 rows

windowSpec = Window.partitionBy(rev_per_day_per_cust['order_date']).orderBy(rev_per_day_per_cust['order_total'].desc())
top_cust_per_day_by_rev = (rev_per_day_per_cust
                           .select('*', F.rank().over(windowSpec).alias('rank'))
                           .filter(col('rank') == 1)

DataFrame[order_date: string, order_customer_id: int, order_total: double, rank: int], truncate=False)
|order_date           |order_customer_id|order_total|rank|
|2013-07-25 00:00:00.0|11941            |1649.8     |1   |
|2013-07-26 00:00:00.0|32               |2009.75    |1   |
|2013-07-27 00:00:00.0|11491            |1379.88    |1   |
|2013-07-28 00:00:00.0|5738             |1499.87    |1   |
|2013-07-29 00:00:00.0|2632             |1389.86    |1   |
only showing top 5 rows

 .join(customers_df, top_cust_per_day_by_rev.order_customer_id == customers_df.customer_id, how='inner')
 .select('order_date', 'order_customer_id', F.concat_ws(' ', 'customer_fname', 'customer_lname').alias('customer_name'), 'order_total')
|order_date           |order_customer_id|customer_name   |order_total|
|2013-07-26 00:00:00.0|32               |Alice Smith     |2009.75    |
|2014-07-03 00:00:00.0|41               |Victoria Mason  |1649.87    |
|2014-04-27 00:00:00.0|53               |Katherine Smith |1579.86    |
|2014-01-02 00:00:00.0|58               |Michael Edwards |1389.77    |
|2013-11-19 00:00:00.0|142              |Heather Smith   |1499.92    |
|2014-02-18 00:00:00.0|154              |Emily May       |1539.86    |
|2013-09-30 00:00:00.0|172              |Lauren Rush     |1579.76    |
|2014-06-26 00:00:00.0|187              |Mildred Herrera |1499.88    |
|2013-10-24 00:00:00.0|242              |Mary Stein      |1899.9     |
|2013-09-02 00:00:00.0|247              |Angela Smith    |1529.89    |
|2013-09-07 00:00:00.0|294              |Mary Smith      |1659.82    |
|2014-05-08 00:00:00.0|371              |Adam Marquez    |1449.95    |
|2014-02-04 00:00:00.0|373              |George Sandoval |1339.89    |
|2013-12-10 00:00:00.0|382              |Mary Lane       |2699.9     |
|2013-09-17 00:00:00.0|410              |Jack Moore      |1499.82    |
|2013-09-03 00:00:00.0|437              |Cynthia Benjamin|1399.86    |
|2014-05-31 00:00:00.0|531              |Paul Burns      |1509.83    |
|2013-09-01 00:00:00.0|543              |Alice Lucero    |1489.83    |
|2013-11-08 00:00:00.0|548              |Ryan Horton     |1978.77    |
|2014-05-02 00:00:00.0|578              |Dylan Knapp     |1559.78    |
only showing top 20 rows

DataFrame[order_date: string, order_customer_id: int, order_total: double]

DataFrame[order_date: string, order_customer_id: int, order_total: double, rank: int]

Back to Top

4.21 Get the top 3 Max Revenue Generating Customers Per Month in 2013:


# Map from month number to actual month string
monthmap = {1:"Jan", 2:"Feb", 3:"Mar",  4:"Apr", 5:"May", 6:"Jun", 7:"Jul", 8:"Aug", 9:"Sep", 10:"Oct", 11:"Nov", 12:"Dec"}
# in order to use an udf with sql it needs to be registerd to sqlContext
sqlContext.udf.register("udfmonTomonth", lambda m: monthmap[m], StringType())
<function __main__.<lambda>>
# 1. Join orders and order_items and group by order_month and customer_id to calculate the revenue per customer per month
# 2. Sort the above using dense_rank() function to get the maximum revenue per month
# 3. Join with customers table to get the customer details
# 4. Select only rows with rank <= 1, that will give the top 3 customers with max revenue
df = spark.sql(strip_margin(
        """SELECT a.order_month, CONCAT_WS(' ', c.customer_fname, c.customer_lname) as customer_name, a.order_total, a.dense_rank
          |FROM ( 
          |     SELECT *, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY order_month ORDER BY order_total DESC) as dense_rank 
          |     FROM ( 
          |          SELECT udfmonTomonth(MONTH(o.order_date)) as order_month, o.order_customer_id, ROUND(SUM(oi.order_item_subtotal), 2) as order_total 
          |          FROM orders o INNER JOIN order_items oi 
          |              ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id  
          |          WHERE o.order_status <> 'CANCELED' AND o.order_status <> 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD' 
          |          AND YEAR(o.order_date) = 2013
          |          GROUP BY order_month, o.order_customer_id) 
          |     ) a  INNER JOIN customers c
          |         ON a.order_customer_id = c.customer_id
          |WHERE dense_rank <= 3 
          |ORDER BY order_month, dense_rank

DataFrame[order_month: string, customer_name: string, order_total: double, dense_rank: int]
|order_month|customer_name    |order_total|dense_rank|
|Aug        |Victoria Smith   |4229.84    |1         |
|Aug        |Shirley Whitehead|3649.66    |2         |
|Aug        |Mary Smith       |3571.73    |3         |
|Dec        |Mary Olson       |4029.61    |1         |
|Dec        |Ann Smith        |3497.69    |2         |
|Dec        |Janet Smith      |3179.68    |3         |
|Jul        |Michelle Callahan|2781.73    |1         |
|Jul        |William Smith    |2059.75    |2         |
|Jul        |Alice Smith      |2009.75    |3         |
|Nov        |David Smith      |3129.72    |1         |
|Nov        |Rachel Smith     |3019.76    |2         |
|Nov        |Robert Williams  |2989.74    |3         |
|Oct        |Diana Smith      |3479.64    |1         |
|Oct        |Mary Smith       |2959.77    |2         |
|Oct        |Mary Smith       |2859.75    |3         |
|Sep        |Nicholas Smith   |3309.62    |1         |
|Sep        |Mary Rodriguez   |3233.62    |2         |
|Sep        |Kevin Smith      |3134.56    |3         |

DataFrame[order_month: string, customer_name: string, order_total: double, dense_rank: int]


# Map from month number to actual month string
monthmap = {1:"Jan", 2:"Feb", 3:"Mar",  4:"Apr", 5:"May", 6:"Jun", 7:"Jul", 8:"Aug", 9:"Sep", 10:"Oct", 11:"Nov", 12:"Dec"}
# Define a udf
udfmonTomonth = udf(lambda m: monthmap[m], StringType())
rev_per_month_per_cust = (orders_df
                         .select(udfmonTomonth(F.month('order_date')).alias('order_month'), 'order_id', 'order_customer_id', 'order_status')
                         .where((col('order_status') != 'CANCELED') & (col('order_status') != 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD') & (F.year(col('order_date')) == 2013))
                         .join(order_items_df, orders_df.order_id == order_items_df.order_item_order_id)
                         .select(['order_month', 'order_customer_id', 'order_item_subtotal'])
                         .groupBy(['order_month', 'order_customer_id'])
                         .agg(F.round(F.sum('order_item_subtotal'), 2).alias('order_total')))

DataFrame[order_month: string, order_customer_id: int, order_total: double], truncate=False)
|Jul        |4840             |129.99     |
|Jul        |8504             |1279.65    |
|Jul        |7436             |399.96     |
|Jul        |3752             |599.95     |
|Jul        |9639             |129.99     |
only showing top 5 rows

windowSpec = Window.partitionBy(rev_per_month_per_cust['order_month']).orderBy(rev_per_month_per_cust['order_total'].desc())
top_cust_per_month_by_rev = (rev_per_month_per_cust
                           .select('*', F.dense_rank().over(windowSpec).alias('dense_rank'))
                           .filter(col('dense_rank') <= 3)

DataFrame[order_month: string, order_customer_id: int, order_total: double, dense_rank: int], truncate=False)
|Aug        |9515             |4229.84    |1         |
|Aug        |5047             |3649.66    |2         |
|Aug        |791              |3571.73    |3         |
|Dec        |9586             |4029.61    |1         |
|Dec        |10291            |3497.69    |2         |
only showing top 5 rows

 .join(customers_df, top_cust_per_month_by_rev.order_customer_id == customers_df.customer_id, how='inner')
 .select('order_month', 'order_customer_id', 
         F.concat_ws(' ', 'customer_fname', 'customer_lname').alias('customer_name'), 
         'order_total', 'dense_rank')
|order_month|order_customer_id|customer_name    |order_total|dense_rank|
|Jul        |32               |Alice Smith      |2009.75    |3         |
|Aug        |791              |Mary Smith       |3571.73    |3         |
|Oct        |2389             |Mary Smith       |2859.75    |3         |
|Nov        |2740             |Robert Williams  |2989.74    |3         |
|Jul        |4257             |William Smith    |2059.75    |2         |
|Dec        |4781             |Janet Smith      |3179.68    |3         |
|Aug        |5047             |Shirley Whitehead|3649.66    |2         |
|Jul        |5293             |Michelle Callahan|2781.73    |1         |
|Sep        |5560             |Mary Rodriguez   |3233.62    |2         |
|Nov        |5683             |Rachel Smith     |3019.76    |2         |
|Sep        |6643             |Nicholas Smith   |3309.62    |1         |
|Nov        |7305             |David Smith      |3129.72    |1         |
|Aug        |9515             |Victoria Smith   |4229.84    |1         |
|Dec        |9586             |Mary Olson       |4029.61    |1         |
|Dec        |10291            |Ann Smith        |3497.69    |2         |
|Oct        |10567            |Diana Smith      |3479.64    |1         |
|Oct        |10653            |Mary Smith       |2959.77    |2         |
|Sep        |11516            |Kevin Smith      |3134.56    |3         |

DataFrame[order_month: string, order_customer_id: int, order_total: double]

DataFrame[order_month: string, order_customer_id: int, order_total: double, dense_rank: int]

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4.22 Get All Distinct Pair of Products the occurred in Orders where order total was greater than 300:

This problem can be solved using Self Join. But there are some corner cases:

  • Pair (a, b) and (b, a) are same, so they should not be reported twice.

  • What happens if item is order more than once in the same order id? i.e. product a appears more than once in the line items of the order id?

Let’s check our fictitious dataset from Cloudera of order items.

        """SELECT order_item_order_id, order_item_product_id, order_item_quantity, order_item_subtotal
          |FROM order_items oi
          |ORDER BY order_item_order_id, order_item_product_id
|                  1|                  957|                  1|             299.98|
|                  2|                  403|                  1|             129.99|
|                  2|                  502|                  5|              250.0|
|                  2|                 1073|                  1|             199.99|
|                  4|                  365|                  5|             299.95|
|                  4|                  502|                  3|              150.0|
|                  4|                  897|                  2|              49.98|
|                  4|                 1014|                  4|             199.92|
|                  5|                  365|                  5|             299.95|
|                  5|                  403|                  1|             129.99|
only showing top 10 rows

Corner Case:

Let’s check an order where the same item is ordered twice in a single order. Here in order_id 148 we have product_id 502 ordered twice albeit with different quantities.

        """SELECT order_item_order_id, order_item_product_id, order_item_quantity, order_item_subtotal
          |FROM order_items oi 
          |WHERE oi.order_item_order_id = 148
          |ORDER BY order_item_product_id
|                148|                  403|                  1|             129.99|
|                148|                  502|                  2|              100.0|
|                148|                  502|                  5|              250.0|


Create self join between order_items table and filtered out order_items table where order_total >= 300. Moreover, The sql AND t1.order_item_product_id < t2.order_item_product_id will ensure that pair (a, b) and (b, a) are treated as same and are not reported twice.

        """SELECT DISTINCT a.order_item_order_id as txn_id, t1.order_item_product_id as prd_a, t2.order_item_product_id as prd_b, ROUND(a.order_total, 2) as txn_total
          |FROM (
          |    SELECT order_item_order_id, SUM(order_item_subtotal) as order_total
          |    FROM order_items
          |    GROUP BY order_item_order_id) a, 
          |    order_items t1,
          |    order_items t2
          |WHERE a.order_total >= 300
          |AND t1.order_item_order_id = a.order_item_order_id
          |AND t2.order_item_order_id = a.order_item_order_id
          |AND t1.order_item_product_id < t2.order_item_product_id
          |ORDER BY txn_id, prd_a
|     2|  403|  502|   579.98|
|     2|  403| 1073|   579.98|
|     2|  502| 1073|   579.98|
|     4|  365|  897|   699.85|
|     4|  365| 1014|   699.85|
|     4|  365|  502|   699.85|
|     4|  502|  897|   699.85|
|     4|  502| 1014|   699.85|
|     4|  897| 1014|   699.85|
|     5|  365| 1014|  1129.86|
|     5|  365|  403|  1129.86|
|     5|  365|  957|  1129.86|
|     5|  403| 1014|  1129.86|
|     5|  403|  957|  1129.86|
|     5|  957| 1014|  1129.86|
|     7|  926|  957|   579.92|
|     7|  926| 1073|   579.92|
|     7|  957| 1073|   579.92|
|     8|  365| 1014|   729.84|
|     8|  365|  502|   729.84|
only showing top 20 rows


Doing the same thing as above but this time using DataFrame APIs instead of SQL.

Note: the usage of alias method on dataframe itself for self joins.

t1 = order_items_df.alias("t1")
t2 = order_items_df.alias("t2")
df = (order_items_df
      .filter(col('order_total') >= 300)
      .join(t1, col('t1.order_item_order_id') == order_items_df.order_item_order_id)
      .join(t2, col('t2.order_item_order_id') == order_items_df.order_item_order_id)
      .where(col('t1.order_item_product_id') < col('t2.order_item_product_id'))
              F.round('order_total', 2).alias('txn_total'))
      .orderBy('txn_id', 'prd_a'))

DataFrame[txn_id: int, prd_a: int, prd_b: int, txn_total: double]
|     2|  403|  502|   579.98|
|     2|  403| 1073|   579.98|
|     2|  502| 1073|   579.98|
|     4|  365| 1014|   699.85|
|     4|  365|  897|   699.85|
|     4|  365|  502|   699.85|
|     4|  502|  897|   699.85|
|     4|  502| 1014|   699.85|
|     4|  897| 1014|   699.85|
|     5|  365|  957|  1129.86|
|     5|  365| 1014|  1129.86|
|     5|  365|  403|  1129.86|
|     5|  403|  957|  1129.86|
|     5|  403| 1014|  1129.86|
|     5|  957| 1014|  1129.86|
|     7|  926|  957|   579.92|
|     7|  926| 1073|   579.92|
|     7|  957| 1073|   579.92|
|     8|  365| 1014|   729.84|
|     8|  365|  502|   729.84|
only showing top 20 rows

DataFrame[txn_id: int, prd_a: int, prd_b: int, txn_total: double]

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4.23 Get All Customers who didn’t place an order in August 2013:


This kind of NOT IN scenarios can be solved using LEFT ANTI JOIN. LEFT ANTI JOIN do not actually include any values from the right DataFrame. They only compare values to see if the value exists in the right DataFrame. However, rather than keeping the values that exist in the right DataFrame, they keep only the values that do not have a corresponding key in the right DataFrame. Think of anti joins as a NOT IN SQL style filter.

First, let’s see how the customer data looks like:

spark.sql("select customer_id, customer_fname, customer_lname from customers").show(10)
|          1|       Richard|     Hernandez|
|          2|          Mary|       Barrett|
|          3|           Ann|         Smith|
|          4|          Mary|         Jones|
|          5|        Robert|        Hudson|
|          6|          Mary|         Smith|
|          7|       Melissa|        Wilcox|
|          8|         Megan|         Smith|
|          9|          Mary|         Perez|
|         10|       Melissa|         Smith|
only showing top 10 rows

Second, let’s see which all customers placed ordes in August 2013:

            SELECT o.order_customer_id, o.order_id, o.order_date
            FROM orders o 
            WHERE o.order_status <> 'CANCELED' AND o.order_status <> 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'
            AND YEAR(o.order_date) = 2013
            AND MONTH(o.order_date) = 8
         """).show(10, truncate=False)
|order_customer_id|order_id|order_date           |
|11607            |1297    |2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|
|5105             |1298    |2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|
|7802             |1299    |2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|
|553              |1300    |2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|
|1604             |1301    |2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|
|1695             |1302    |2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|
|7018             |1303    |2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|
|2059             |1304    |2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|
|3844             |1305    |2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|
|11672            |1306    |2013-08-01 00:00:00.0|
only showing top 10 rows

Third, Use LEFT ANTI JOIN combining both the queries above to find which customers did not place any order in August 2013:

spark.sql("select distinct order_status from orders").show()
|   order_status|
|       COMPLETE|
|        ON_HOLD|
|         CLOSED|
|        PENDING|
|       CANCELED|

        SELECT customer_id, CONCAT_WS(' ', customer_fname, customer_lname) as customer_name
        FROM customers A 
            LEFT ANTI JOIN (
                SELECT o.order_customer_id, o.order_id, o.order_date
                FROM orders o INNER JOIN order_items oi 
                    ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id 
                WHERE o.order_status <> 'CANCELED' AND o.order_status <> 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'
                AND YEAR(o.order_date) = 2013
                AND MONTH(o.order_date) = 8) B 
            on A.customer_id = B.order_customer_id
|customer_id|     customer_name|
|        148|Stephanie Richards|
|        463|       Harry Smith|
|        471|       Helen Smith|
|        496|        Mary Allen|
|        833|   Alexander Smith|
|       1088|     Zachary Smith|
|       1238|     Angela Massey|
|       1342|      Laura Savage|
|       1580|     Kelly Simmons|
|       1591|   Charles Johnson|
only showing top 10 rows

Fourth, Verify with a customer from our result set that he indeed did not place any order in August 2013:

            SELECT o.order_customer_id, o.order_id, o.order_date
            FROM orders o INNER JOIN order_items oi 
                ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id 
            WHERE o.order_status <> 'CANCELED' AND o.order_status <> 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'
            AND YEAR(o.order_date) = 2013
            AND MONTH(o.order_date) = 8
            AND o.order_customer_id = 148


Doing the same thing as above but this time using DataFrame APIs instead of SQL.

Note: the usage of join expression and join type.

        ('order_customer_id', 'order_id', 'order_date')
          .filter((col('order_status') != 'CANCELED') & (col('order_status') != 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'))
          .filter((F.year('order_date') == 2013) & (F.month('order_date') == 8))
          .join(order_items_df, [orders_df.order_id == order_items_df.order_item_order_id], how='inner')
          .select('order_customer_id', 'order_id', 'order_date')),
         [customers_df.customer_id == orders_df.order_customer_id], how='left_anti')
         .select('customer_id', F.concat_ws(' ', 'customer_fname', 'customer_lname').alias('customer_name'))
|customer_id|     customer_name|
|        148|Stephanie Richards|
|        463|       Harry Smith|
|        471|       Helen Smith|
|        496|        Mary Allen|
|        833|   Alexander Smith|
|       1088|     Zachary Smith|
|       1238|     Angela Massey|
|       1342|      Laura Savage|
|       1580|     Kelly Simmons|
|       1591|   Charles Johnson|
only showing top 10 rows

Back to Top

4.24 Get All Customers who placed more than 5 orders in August 2013:


We can also leverage HAVING clause here to filter out based on grouped counts.

            SELECT c.customer_id, c.customer_fname, c.customer_lname, count(o.order_id) AS order_count
            FROM orders o  
                INNER JOIN order_items oi ON o.order_id = oi.order_item_order_id
                INNER JOIN customers c ON o.order_customer_id = c.customer_id
            WHERE o.order_status <> 'CANCELED' AND o.order_status <> 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'
            AND YEAR(o.order_date) = 2013
            AND MONTH(o.order_date) = 8
            GROUP BY c.customer_id, c.customer_fname, c.customer_lname
            HAVING order_count > 5
            ORDER BY order_count DESC, customer_id
|        791|          Mary|         Smith|         15|
|       5047|       Shirley|     Whitehead|         14|
|       5477|          Mary|         Smith|         14|
|       6088|          Mary|        Brooks|         14|
|       9371|          Mary|     Patterson|         14|
|       3295|         Maria|        Joseph|         13|
|       3536|          Mary|        Tanner|         13|
|       4582|         Brian|         House|         13|
|       5865|         David|     Middleton|         13|
|       8069|       Tiffany|      Mcdaniel|         13|
only showing top 10 rows


Note: There is no HAVING equivalent in DataFrame APIs. We can use the traditional where clause.

(orders_df.filter((col('order_status') != 'CANCELED') & (col('order_status') != 'SUSPECTED_FRAUD'))
  .filter((F.year('order_date') == 2013) & (F.month('order_date') == 8))
  .join(order_items_df, [orders_df.order_id == order_items_df.order_item_order_id], how='inner')
  .join(customers_df, [orders_df.order_customer_id == customers_df.customer_id], how='inner')
  .select(customers_df.customer_id, customers_df.customer_fname, customers_df.customer_lname,orders_df.order_id)
  .groupBy([customers_df.customer_id, customers_df.customer_fname, customers_df.customer_lname])
  .where(col('order_count') > 5)
  .orderBy([col('order_count'), customers_df.customer_id], ascending=[0, 1])).show(10)
|        791|          Mary|         Smith|         15|
|       5047|       Shirley|     Whitehead|         14|
|       5477|          Mary|         Smith|         14|
|       6088|          Mary|        Brooks|         14|
|       9371|          Mary|     Patterson|         14|
|       3295|         Maria|        Joseph|         13|
|       3536|          Mary|        Tanner|         13|
|       4582|         Brian|         House|         13|
|       5865|         David|     Middleton|         13|
|       8069|       Tiffany|      Mcdaniel|         13|
only showing top 10 rows

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